three hundred eighty
three hundred seventy nine
three hundred seventy eight
three hundred seventy seven
Humans are created to be social creatures, so intimate contact with other human beings is vital. I have resisted this fact most of my life and in it's place I chose to interact with other humans but always keeping them at arms length. I created the illusion of intimacy by developing a skill to instantly connect with total strangers.
three hundred seventy six
three hundred seventy five
It's simple, just lay down, go to sleep and stay asleep.
Humans have a similar ritual because having the right mattress, sheets, pillows, lighting, temperature, pajamas, no pajamas, music or total silence, are all personal choices. The most important thing is to organize the things going on in our heads.
three hundred seventy four
He said that is the one question that demands an answer. It was the question Jesus asked Peter, "Who do you say I am?" (Mathew 15).
three hundred ninety two
They resembled a large rat and I got up to $7 for a perfect pelt. They were used for elegant fur clothing but they labeled them "water mink" or "river mink", I guess a word with "rat" in it wasn't good for marketing.
Eat meat or wear leather but realize these animals were raised and processed by hard working people. Whether the animals were raised for food or they are from the wild always be grateful because they come from God.
three hundred ninety three
I'm by nature a cave dweller. In other words I'm an average guy with testosterone coursing through my veins. This makes me physically strong and aggressive with a need to defend, conquer and reproduce.three hundred seventy three
Words of division, hatred and panic have dominated our media for decades. Television, social media, podcasts, radio and print media spew a constant stream of gloom and doom hair on fire alarmism.
Through-out our nations history we have had leaders who understood the mood of the people. I don't know if it is bad polling, the Twitter mob, shadow government or they just don't care. Today the mood of the people is just a line in a speech.
Great leaders in the past were the calming voice. They actually cared about the average citizen, their fears, hopes and dreams. They took time out of politics and told us the truth, good or bad. They tried to build and heal not divide and destroy. These men have made their mark on history because of this. Our leaders today build their legacies on sand, over time they will only be remembered for their destruction.
Every politician, media outlet, corporation or so called environmental or human rights organization blames, divides and stirs hatred. No voice of reason is immune from attack. Slander, censorship and physical threats quickly silence or discredit them.
The only thing that will change is is a public willing to put down their smart phones, open their ears, hearts and minds to hear the truth. So far each calming voice that has gained an audience has been destroyed or discredited.
The truth can be hard to hear and hard to discern. The constant bragging and blaming combined with spin, distortion and out right lies it is hard to know what is true.
Numbing common sense has been an effective tool. Relying on facts not feelings had been made more difficult but not impossible. Discerning the truth is a skill that requires and open mind and effort.
The easier and softer way is not new, throughout history distracting the masses with bread and circus was effective. Today it comes in the form of a smart phone and a transfer check.
The voices are out there but I wish they were coming from our leaders, but for now the voices of division are in charge. The only thing we can do is seek out the voices of reason and listen. They will be attacked but there are more of us. Our founders talked about natural law and made many references to it in our founding documents. I simply call it common sense. I believe we can handle the truth.
Finally, a voice of reason.
Tucker Carlson has been on my radar for many years. I do not watch television news but I occasionally watch interviews and a few commentaries. If the hair on fire media and politicians are screaming I look at the source of their feigned outrage. Tucker talks about forbidden issues and encourages debate.
I do not always agree with him but I often do. One thing for certain he makes you think. His firing followed by a wave of slander shows how toxic and useless our so called free speech media and political hacks really are. It started with Infowars and now maybe others will see what is happening.
He was not angry, he was hopeful. Many look for hidden messages in what he said, I just think he was giving a clear but hopeful look at where we are. He was a refreshing voice of reason.