three hundred nine
three hundred eight
For some reason when I was a kid we had a dog whistle. We didn't have formerly trained dogs. Our mutt dogs lived outside, came when they were called and crapped in the neighbors yard. They barked at strangers, did not bite and were great with kids.
One definition I found was; A "political dog whistle" is a coded message communicated through words or phrases commonly understood by a particular group of people, but not by others.
Ironically the only people who possess the ability to hear these secret words and phrases are in the media. They by definition are the targets of these secret words and phrases because they seem to be the only ones who can hear them....woof woof!
Serious journalists like Morning Joe and Mika can hear them but they are not alone in this.
There are dozens of pundits on networks and cable outlets that can clearly hear and interpret every secret word, phrase, hand gesture and symbol. I have learned so much about all of the secret coded messages I am supposedly guided by.
They say with only a few speeches Nixon convinced racist southern Democrats to switch political parties. They say he did it with secret coded words and secret messages or dog whistles.
I have heard about the Southern Strategy for decades but no one explains why a racist would leave a racist party. The shift might have been because Nixon offered and alternative to non-racists to leave a racist party.
The media obsession with the KKK is great for starving actors because Netflix may have employed more of them to dress up like clan members than there are actual clan members.
Citronella Tiki torches are for more then mosquito control, but I do hate mosquitos.
Displaying a flag and singing the National Anthem is secret support for Nazi nationalism, racism and hatred.
A truck driver honking twice means Hail Hitler or maybe you just cut him off, I'm confused.
Hand signals like okay is now a secret symbol for white power. Who dreams this up? I must have missed the memo, it was probably a secret memo or a super secret memo.
In middle school it meant I get to punch you on the arm because I made you look. So I guess in a way it is a symbol of violence. (made you look)
There are so many normal things that have been assigned secret motives, obeying laws, respect for authority, a work ethic, pride in your country, free speech, professional sports, the Constitution and US history.
I really don't have the time to figure all of this out. It is easier to listen to the actual words people say. I know the words people use may not be what they mean but to run them through a secret decoder ring is just stupid. I have a feeling this tactic has more of a purpose.
If you can't make an argument, make shit up. I think that is what this is about.
Lazy journalism is one thing but slander and stirring division is all by design. Inventing secret messages simply shows a lack of reasoned arguments.
I have grown weary of these highly paid blow hards. They are lazy and ignorant or they are willing liars. They say they are educated and smart so they can do better. Please do some research and come up with some convincing arguments and give up this secret message silliness we aren't on the playground anymore.