two hundred four


Nevada has a big type if beauty. If you look at what is directly around you, it seems dry, gray, and lifeless. However, at a distance or looking at the bigger picture it is breathtaking. US route fifty known as “the loneliest road" is a full week of surreal silence and beauty. The snow level was 6000 feet in elevation; I knew I would soon be there.

two hundred three


This strange tree had no explanation or name it was simply standing alone on a long stretch in Nevada. Several people had stopped to take pictures but they were also puzzled. There was every type of shoe imaginable is hanging there. This includes a bra and a pair if panties nailed to the tree trunk. I have a feeling this is what rural Nevada calls tradition.

It got my attention but I'm sure everyone who passes wonders when and how this strange ritual had begun. I'll make a guess, a large amount of alcohol was involved.