three hundred ninety nine


 I stepped up to rescue our annual sober men's camp out. That was a bold move on my part because I really don't like to run things but if there is a vacuum I will step up, but we did have plenty of critics.

For many years the camp was filled with camping trailers, tents, boats, plenty of grills and men cooking meat. 

I have pointed out in a previous post; if you give any organization or group of people enough time it always reverts back to high school.

I thought I could promote the camp to a larger area and breathe a little life into it but I had no idea that after a half year of promotion I would be alone. 

I set my expectations low but I thought there would be at least ten and maybe twenty. 

In the past there were more then 40 but a little drama in our group, Covid, rain and cold effected the last few years of turn out. We almost voted not to have it until I volunteered to give it one last go.

Ironically this year it was sunny, seventy degrees, the lake was not crowded and the fish were biting. 

I packed my motorcycle and headed out early. I set up my tent, ate, had a cup of coffee and gathered fire wood. It was just me until noon Thursday when a trailer pulled in. We both waited and waited but no one else came. The next morning no one came so 1 PM Friday I helped him pack his trailer said goodbye and didn't see another soul until Saturday at 4 PM.

We walked to the lake, ate some awesome ribs he brought fo the pot luck, lite the fire and visited until 8 PM. He had to get back to town.

I thought I would spend the night but I packed my motorcycle and rode the 80 miles in the dark. So much for our annual camp out.

I will hear excuses, get a few smart ass smiles and wise cracks but I will never volunteer again.

I did hear a rumor that the cool kids had a campout of their own at a different lake. I think I got what we called "ditched". I think that is what we called it in high school.