three hundred forty six


Bend Oregon
3560 feet above sea level
Sunrise 7:20
Sunset 4:29
Annual averages for Bend, the mountains get much more snow.
Rain fall 11 inches
Snow fall 43 inches
High temperature average 60F
Low temperature average 30F
Average annual sunny days 158

Bend is located in the center of Oregon. If you drive south you drive through amazing pine forests. This is where Crater lake is located.

If you drive east, you drive through high desert and rolling hills mostly out of cell phone range. There are only a few small towns for fuel and food between Bend and Ontario on the Idaho border.

Drive north the landscape changes from Juniper tree high desert, amazing canyon landscapes and winding forest mountain roads.

Driving east you drive over a snow covered mountain pass then into a lush forest ending at a rocky ocean coast line.

I enjoy the seasonal changes but winter is way too long. It has been cold and overcast for weeks now. The streets are clear but riding my scooter is still uncomfortably cold. 
If I do go out it gets dark way too soon plus the temperatures drop below freezing so there may be ice.

Don't get me wrong I love this amazing state but a few more warm months and an extra hour of daylight wouldn't hurt. 

Spring will be here soon, flowers, trees and grass will grow. The days will be longer and the sun will warm my bones.