three hundred eighty four


We visited Israel last year, what a beautiful country. The people were welcoming and busy with life. We ate lunch at a Kibbutz overlooking the Sea of Galilee. It was filled with young families and lots and lots of children. 

The old city was guarded by very sober young Israeli soldiers. They were all business never looking anyone in the eye but constantly scanning the area and body movements. The seriousness may seem odd to a westerner but the events of today explains why.

My heart aches for the victims of these unspeakable crimes. My anger burns with hatred for the evil ones who have done such horror. 

As usual the press will use it power to slowly twist and turn the blame back on Israel. I think I have been clear about my contempt for much of the American media. 

Perhaps this event will finally open a few eyes and minds to their complicity in this hatred for the state of Israel and the Jewish people. They craft their words to sound reasonable but they are designed to hide their real motives. These events may be too much to hide but they will certainly try.

God bless the people of Israel.