one hundred seventy seven


I stayed with these people on the way north. Winter came and they sent these photos. They were taken from their beautiful home. 

one hundred seventy six

This is where I sit and post, well I wish. This is a beautiful home in Washington, I was fortunate to be invited in.

one hundred seventy five

The third floor game room. I can only imagine enjoying a winter day in this place. Watching a football game on the big screen, a warm fire in the gas fireplace, adult beverages (coffee for me), and good friends. The beauty of the Puget sound would pass the time between shots.

one hundred seventy four

A view from the ferry ride to the main land. The three story house in the center is where I stayed the night.

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The water was very clear. If you look closely you can see Salmon.

one hundred seventy two

This was taken from the Clinton Island shore. I watched this ferry make dozens of trips. Tomorrow I will be on board heading for Seattle.

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The begining of the ferry ride.

one hundred seventy

My bike is in the bottom right of the picture. The guy above was yelling something about being the king of the world.

one hundred sixty nine


My bike was secured for the ferry ride. I made sure my helmet was also secure because on the east coast I almost lost it when it blew out of the back of the boat. 

Some nice people in a small fishing boat plucked it out of the water and found me. I had no idea what had happened to it until I heard them yelling. I was just about to head to the next town to buy a new one. Like I said before, people are really nice.