three hundred one


If you have read my blog you know I'm not a fan of todays media. I'm also disappointed when people blindly settle for whatever a media outlet says and regards it as the definitive truth. 

Our media in America has a constitutionally protected charge to be our critical eyes and ears on government. They claim to do in-depth investigation and research. They claim to bring us the most current and accurate information. 

They claim to witness wars, natural disasters, catastrophic accidents, crime and scandals, but it has been revealed that they sometimes never leave the office. This is all to be without bias, agenda or omission. 

1950's DRAGNET Sargent Joe Friday

The days of the trusted news anchor with great hair, reading the days events into our living rooms are over. My parents believed every word these trusted individuals said but history has revealed that even they had clear biases. 

Today the new version of these overpaid beautiful people have revealed their biases and at times a complete lack of ethics. They don't even try to hide it because most think the consumer is unable to hold the correct opinion so they shape what we hear "for our own good".

One reason for this is the corporate nature of news outlets. Being paid millions by a large corporation demands loyalty to the interests of that corporation, it may not be an official agreement it is just human nature. 

If you desire success, a luxurious lifestyle and enjoy being one of the cool kids more power to you but claiming your first interest is integrity and truth is the height of hypocrisy. 

Jet to your summer homes, give yourselves awards, live in your bubble but don't underestimate the average consumer. 

The world wide web isn't the Wild West as it was in the beginning. There are powers trying to control the flow of information but the Genie is out of the bottle. With a little effort and a desire to find information the truth is still out there.

There are always idealistic tech savvy truth tellers willing to risk persecution to report the truth. Over time some will be corrupted by fame, money and power, some will yield to pressure and go away but a few will endure and stay devoted to the truth no matter the sacrifice. That too is human nature.

The key is the curiosity and willingness of the consumer. We have the tools, we have access and an endless amount of information. The key is developing the ability to discern what the truth really is.

It is easier to blindly trust a few sources but I suggest trust no-one, not even me. Many sources may have reliable information but most have an agenda that ranges from a slight slant to out right lies.

Omission is the most deceptive because their defense is we didn't lie we just didn't report on it. This is the most commonly practiced tactic today. If a news outlet does report on it it can be characterized as a fringe conspiracy. Facts aren't up to a popular vote.  

I trust a few principles. I believe the truth will hold up under scrutiny. Test everything, beat it up and challenge it, if it is true it will hold up. If not you will know it is not true.

Read everything, find those side stories that only a few are reporting. If they are attacking a person or organization for their bias, intelligence or character, perhaps they don't want you to hear what they have to say.

Is the argument fact based or emotional? Avoid the so called self proclaimed "fact checking" organizations, they are all corrupted. Be your own fact checker. Read the bill, speech, hearing, interview, report, study or video. You are your best "fact checker".

 Avoid the silly school yard adolescent name calling nonsense it is always a distraction. 

If they are all talking about it look for the things they aren't talking about. The media can be like a slight of hand magician, they use the art of distraction to hide things they don't want you to see.

First you need to ask yourself the question, do I want to know what is actually true or do I want to settle for my truth or what I want to be true. 

No matter what they say there is not a color wheel of truths, truth is truth. I may not like it but whatever it is I want to know.  

I know, this is a bicycle blog. I have been distracted lately with world and national events. When I get frustrated and overwhelmed I find a quiet place and focus on the amazing people I have met along the way.

They were average Americans doing the deal everyday, building something, raising a family, defending the innocent and enforcing the laws. They haul our goods, build our cars, clean our messes and prepare our food. They deserve the truth.

Unfortunately the unwashed are considered incapable of grasping the wisdom they are offering. If it were just a matter of arrogance that is fine but some want to control, subjugate and suppress with the use of propaganda. Then they wonder why we don't trust them. 

I do not think this will change but we can change how we consume news and shape our own opinions.

I was once told to have an opinion but make sure it's my own opinion not someone else's.

Okay, I'm finished with my rant. The weather is changing in Oregon. I have been walking seven miles per day. I'm losing weight, stretching and loosening up my muscles and joints. Mostly I'm trying to ignore my aches and pains and push forward trying not to feel 70. The next couple of weeks the bicycle is coming out and a full on slog to get my bicycle mojo back begins.