I was asleep when the tent filled with bright light and the
snarl of a rotary motor. I zipped open the tent in time to be blinded by the landing light from the landing airplane. Being grateful it missed me because I
had chosen to camp on the edge of the field that had suddenly become a runway,
I figured I had better introduce myself.
The private plane taxied up to the metal building. It just fit perfectly between the junk. The man's wife greeted me calmly even though she couldn't
see me in the dark. Then the man said, “Come here and get this”. I was quickly put
to work carrying a box and luggage to his wife's car. He kissed her goodnight then turned to me and asked me what I needed.
It was a strange greeting because there wasn't one. He focused on the details of my
adventure as we toured his farm. I was introduced by name along with health
details to each animal resident, as we fed goats, sheep, one beef cattle, and twenty
one chickens, which we counted twice.
He didn't mention the fencer was on as we
climbed over it several times, but apologized each time I got shocked. We collected twenty
eggs of which he gave me ten. Then we met the people living in the old farm house.
I assumed they were not legal residents from things he said to them and about them,
it was comical the way they were able to understand one another through his
broken Spanish.
He was a long ago transplanted cheese head from Wisconsin. I
said I was amazed anyone lived in this old farm house, he just said, “Well they need
someplace to live”.
This guy was a real character who I was glad to have met. I
asked about him in a nearby town, it seemed everyone had at sometime worked for him or had dealings with him. All had a kind word
about his character and kindness, I surely did.
I still couldn't believe he
landed a plane in that short field, and again I was glad I camped on the edge.