three hundred seventy six






Four of the many flawed men God chose to do great things. 

I first thought the men an women of the Bible had special super powers. I assumed if they had spent time with Jesus, witnessed his miracles and heard his words, how could they possibly doubt and deny him? As I learned more I found these were all just regular people. 

I have lived enough life to realize bravery is an extremely rare trait. Very few people will actually step up and risk their physical safety, their wealth or their reputations. Today our lives are relatively safe and easy. It is hard to understand how things were back then but this doesn't stop us from judging their actions. 

I think a lot about bravery and honor. I love any story about physical bravery, ethical bravery or someone keeping an oath or promise at all cost. Unfortunately our modern culture has lost something. Selfishness, fear, embarrassment, rationalization, narcissism and victimhood have eroded the respect for these selfless acts. 

I love to watch royal knights prove their loyalty to the thrown, soldiers brave danger to protect our freedoms or gun fighters turned lawman risking their lives to protect defenseless citizens. I then quietly ask myself if I have what it takes to be that selfless and brave.

As I studied more about these Bible heroes I found they had moments of greatness but they also had moments of weakness and failure. This is one of the reasons I am convinced the Bible is God inspired because men would not document these failures of character. They would craft a better story and "spin" like our modern politicians. 

From the beginning Jesus and his followers have been slandered and persecuted. Today the main line of attack is to point out hypocrisy. Throughout our media I hear jokes and criticism of Christians because they have character flaws. They build a straw man by saying Christians claim they are perfect then point out their humanity. Portraying Christians as judgmental uninformed hypocrites is the main way they discredit their message. 

In reality being a Christian does not make us immune to temptation and failure, this leaves us open to the perceived charge of hypocrisy. Because of this many Christians make an attempt to rationalize and hide their shortcomings. They attempt to present a perfect saintly image, but like the heroes of the Bible we have no super powers. We can fool ourselves and the world around us but inevitably our flaws are revealed. What matters is what we do with these moments of doubt, cowardice and pride. 

These four Bible heroes took corrective action. When they had a doubt they asked for proof, when they acted cowardly they asked forgiveness and when they were prideful they were open to being humbled. Doing nothing when we fail is always the wrong answer. 

Each man was given proof, forgiveness and correction. Ironically each man was strengthened by their experience. If we take action we too can become stronger in spite of our own times of failure. Wasting time hiding and denying is destructive because we will eventually drift away and believe our own lies. If we continue to fool ourselves we will inevitably lose our connection with God.

I find comfort through these flawed men and I realize their strength comes through their weakness. Their dependance on God is strengthened which in a way became their super power. Being open, honest and willing is a large part but accepting our own powerlessness is the key. 

Each of these examples had an amazing result. Thomas became a fearless witness, John the Baptist met his executioner reassured, Peter was freed of shame to launch the church and Paul was put on the right path to proclaim the truth about Jesus. 

I have taken many paths through my life, doubt, uncertainty, shame and pride have broken my connection with Jesus. Sometimes it was only moments but sometimes it was years. My story does have one constant, I eventually asked. Jesus has always reacted with me the same way he reacted with these great men. 

No matter how far you have fallen being honest and asking for help is the answer.

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