three hundred seventy five

 It's simple, just lay down, go to sleep and stay asleep.


I had very little trouble sleeping when I was on my bicycle trips. Once I found a safe place to camp I was so exhausted all I had to do was crawl in my tent, closed my eyes and I was out for the night.

Occasionally I did some nocturnal eating because of my bodies craving for calories. Waking up surrounded by Pop-Tart wrappers or an empty jar of peanut butter I didn't remember eating was a common occurrence.

A safe place meant I had permission to camp. Waiting with one eye open for the local police or sheriff to discover me was a  definite distraction. I did have a few police encounters without incident. I had permission, usually written that quickly satisfied the police.

I camped where it was not too public but not too private. Public enough people will notice me but not so public I bother people. Private enough to have peace and quiet but not private enough they won't find my body for a month. 

Animals didn't worry me but people are another thing. I do not carry a weapon other then some pepper spray for an aggressive dog but I have never needed it. If I find a place to camp where I need a gun to feel safe I keep riding until I find a place I won't need one. 

I am a great fan of the bluff so I love the fact that I could possibly be armed. Because of this deterrent people will think twice about screwing with some nomad on a bicycle. 

The difficulty of crossing international borders with a weapon, the confusing state laws and telling a policeman in the middle of the night that I have a gun would up the stress level. I'll stick with my standard of camping only when I have permission and my well honed bluffing skills.

I refuse to be afraid of the world. I do not blindly trust but any adventure has an element of risk, be it riding a bicycle across the country or to the local grocery store. In the past twenty years I have had my motel room robbed, was pick pocketed in Athens Greece and had my car broken into in San Francisco but every other day nothing happened.

Being at peace with the owner and operator of the universe is the main reason I sleep soundly. That nagging small voice once kept me awake but now no matter where I am I feel loved and safe. We live in a world that is evil and dangerous but the worse that can happen is my body can die, but like Snoopy says "...on all the other days, we will not". Living in worry, guilt and fear is barely living and in a way that is like dying a little everyday.

I'm like an old dog I sleep better in my safe place. Dogs think in terms of territory so their sleeping spots are important. If you ever watched an old dog arranging their bedding it may make no sense to you but it makes sense to the dog.

Humans have a similar ritual because having the right mattress, sheets, pillows, lighting, temperature, pajamas, no pajamas, music or total silence, are all personal choices. The most important thing is to organize the things going on in our heads. 

The "coulda shoulda woulda" voices were the worse. These need to be silenced before bed, they are with us all day but in silence they get louder and louder. Make a list and a plan, move forward to resolve the issue even if it's one small step, take immediate action or put it in perspective. 

I need things in order, I clean the kitchen, balance my check book, do a walk-through checking the windows and doors, burners on the stove, car locks and so on. I do a mental check called an AA tenth step, I take a personal inventory of my actions to see if I need to make an amends. At the same time I get my relationship with God into perspective. After I successfully do these things I can sleep like a baby.

Sleep aids can help on a redeye flight but finding your safe place, having a working action plan, your things in order, resolved resentments and guilt and being at peace with your creator is much much better.

This all takes time and yes sleeping was elusive for many years of my life. I now value sleep more then my bicycle or maybe olives if you know me well.

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