three hundred seventy eight


Today people are obsessed with physical fitness and health. In fact fitness is now a fashion statement and to many their new religion. Gyms are filled with spandex clad gym bunnies and show muscled boys. Six pack abs and firm butts are a required status symbol. They must be displayed in skintight designer gym wear but they must never be admired under penalty of law. 

My generation is in the gyms for other reasons. It can be a great social event but most of us are just trying to extend our lives. There are a few who still play the spandex fashion game but 80 year old cameltoe just doesn't work for me....well not yet.

Nutrition is another obsession, Keto, Mediterranean, Paleo, Raw, plant based or vegan, everyone is on some sort of diet. I have lost almost 30 pounds with intermittent fasting, carb cutting and walking 10 or more miles per day. I have been on the bike a few days and plan to do more to build an injury free base. 

My new knee is awesome but my hip has a small nagging hitch. This isn't new it is from a leg injury many years ago. It will settle in but I have to go slow while I strengthen the surrounding muscles. Summer is short in central Oregon so I haven't posted much because I'm enjoying as much of the outdoors as possible.

I feel the effects of age more and more. My joints ache, make strange grinds and clicks and my skin is beginning to look like and old guy. My arthritic hands and lower back are a nuisance but not a game changer. My heart plumbing could be better, my blood pressure is controlled and it takes a little longer to pee. My sight and hearing are fading which comes with age but compared to my piers I'm in pretty good shape. 

My mind is clear but a shopping list helps. I have the urge to reminisce  and over share but I think I have always had that urge. I now consciously keep conversations short and limit my reminiscing to this blog. My fear of dementia is always there because of my father but so far so good I'm still quick witted and have a decent memory. I have focused on remembering names since our move from Hawaii, something I didn't think I could do.

My cycling skills are a little rusty but I'm certain they will come back over time. My balance is still good but strength and muscle memory will improve this. The bottom line is I think another long tour is possible but it will take a lot of work. Losing weight and getting out and about is well on its way.

My moods are normal, I sleep well and have a good appetite. My faith is strong and I find comfort in the trustworthiness of Jesus. 

Now to the point of this post, perspective. 

As my body and mind age I have changed my perspective as to who I am. I am not just my body and mind I am my soul. I am no longer a body with a soul, I am a soul with a body. The three dimensional reality of our flesh and blood bodies is how we perceive ourselves most of our lives, but as time passes we realize we are simply occupants.

Many who have faced serious disease or injury already understand this but our culture today is hanging on to our physical bodies for dear life. 

Eventually some vital system will fail from illness or injury. Eventually this flesh and blood suit that is required to live in this earthy dimension will stop working and we will have to leave. The question is where will we go? 

Many feel the end of life is like turning off a light switch but if this is all their is, what was the point? I believe there is a choice to make before we leave our bodies, do we want to be with God or not? I trust there is something beyond words waiting for us but for now I am not finished with my time in this earthly dimension. 

I have miles to ride, people who need me and the message God wants to be told. In other words it is better for me to be here, I have the unfinished business of caring for and loving the people in my life. To be blunt I have people to see and shit to do.

Living everyday and drinking in every moment is what I have learned is important. The aging of my body and mind is simply part of life. Some get old and stop living even though their bodies survive, others are obsessed with keeping their bodies alive and miss life. There is a balance I have tried to find, somedays I am off balance but a few days I think I get it.

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