three hundred forty three
three hundred forty two
I know most people thought this was only a movie about a bunch of guys fighting, but that's only a part of the story. Since it came out in 1999 I have watched it a dozen or more times. The profound insights of Tyler Durden played by Brad Pitt were profound. Ed Norton as the narrator did not have a character name.
The movie name turned off a large part of the audience so it effected the box office success but over time it has become a cult classic.
Here are a few of the quotes.....
three hundred forty one
three hundred forty
three hundred thirty nine
I heard about these when I was riding my bicycle through Nevada and Utah. I asked about the make shift corrugated steel fences around some of the houses on highway 50. They told stories about Mormon Crickets rampaging by the millions across the countryside. These fences were to stop them or make them bypass the houses.
They told me of blood red inch deep slime of dead crickets on the highways. They caused car accidents, ate crops, covered houses and made it almost impossible to enjoy the outdoors.
I thought it was just a good story to impress me but I heard the exact same story from several people.I grew up in eastern Ohio with mosquitos and flies. The summers in farming areas had clouds of flies and at dawn and dusk the mosquito swarms were unbearable. I had no idea how bad they were until I moved away.
I lived in Hawaii for four years. The insects in the tropics are everywhere so controlling them is just part of your day. There are some harmful ones but most are just a nuisance. The locals were much more tolerant but like me from Ohio bugs are just part of life.
The four or five foot high corrugated steel fences are buried in the ground to prevent the wave of invaders from crawling under or climbing over to swarm the houses. I assume they work because most rural houses had them. They were unsightly which revealed the level of chaos happening when they were built.
The descriptions of road conditions during these swarms were the most interesting. As traffic killed a few the others crowed to eat then as more are killed the slime of the large juicy dead bugs grows and grows. They talked about multi car accidents with casualties and the red slime covering the cars and trucks.
I thought they were exaggerating but I can see how that could happen. They all told me it would be hard for me to ride my bike through these areas, I now agree.
Where ever you live there is something weird, horrible or interesting depending on your perspective. These critters are now being found in Oregon, but I'm not heading to Home Depot for supplies yet.
Video One link Video Two link Video Three Link
This video one shows Middle Gate Station near Fallon Nevada, I ate there on my way through Nevada on highway 50. This was my San Francisco to Maine trip.
three hundred thirty eight
This is the end of a long year, so much has happened, most of it out of our control. Life events can overwhelm us, loneliness, heartbreak, depression and loss. World events we can only watch, war, corruption, crime and disasters.
We are bombarded by the endless election cycle, a lying propaganda media, censorship, show trials, investigations, no investigations, rising prices, omnibus governing, open border, unequal justice, race-baiting, brainwashing children, a corrupt FBI, homelessness, drug overdoses, deteriorating cities and rising crime. It is like looking into the sun it will overwhelm you.
The most frustrating thing is the inability to do a damn thing about it. Some people check out, ignore everything and stay comfortably stupid. Some take the effort to see behind the curtain, but if they continue to wallow in the turmoil they risk their sanity. Some wholeheartedly believe the approved media, worship big government and stay blindly loyal to a political party. In this cozy bubble they are never challenged by opposing ideas but ironically they claim to be the most informed and enlightened.
We have one more choice, that choice is humor. I read The Onion and Babylon Bee everyday for a laugh. If you take politics so seriously that you can't see the humor in it you may be a cult member. I see it everyday, a simple joke, sarcastic Tweet or funny meme can fill two days of the news cycle.
Things I find hilarious. The screaming crying triggered smart ass snowflake drama on snap chat, the selective drama queen outrage on panel shows, comedians trying to be funny while tip toeing through the woke mine field and heads exploding when someone asks a real question in a press conference.
I can take it seriously, get angry, think everyone is buying into the BS or laugh. I choose to find the humor in this silly game.
The master plan is to keep us divided, pissed off and feeling that all is lost. I choose to laugh.
three hundred thirty seven
My last post I first used this word because I have often heard it used as a slur so I did some research. I found a spectrum of definitions and some of the newer ones are quite hateful so I thought I would go back to our past to see how it was used in positive and negative ways.
I searched for how it was supposed to work and how it has been abused. The word has reached buzz word status today so just the mention of the word triggers strong reactions.
Big business and government is open to criticism for sure. The good old boy network and discrimination are wrong. We have made progress in this area and there needs to be more. Women are as capable of running large corporations as anyone.
I'll leave those two institutions to fend for themselves. I agree they are fair game for criticism, investigations and protests. Remember as consumers and constituents we usually get more of what we ask for. If you want leaders with character look for leaders with character.
The patriarchy I am focused on is man's role in the family. I think it has two elements, one is a charge of responsibility and the other is breaking a 50/50 tie.
The many misconceptions and abuse of the words "leader" and "head" makes it a hard subject to discuss. I won't attempt to explain why men were put in this position but I will look at how it works.
A man's charge comes in two parts, the actual responsibility and the power to carry it out. Far too many men embrace the power and forget the responsibility. These men deserve the criticism they get.
Many men take on the charge of responsibility but don't have the support to carry it out. A woman can help him be successful or sabotage him to make him fail. If he is looking after the best interest of his family why not help?
There are many ways to lead, if a wife is more suited to lead and he takes a support role he is still responsible to fulfill his charge. The focus is fulfilling the charge not being the boss.
It's confusing to many men, they think they need to act like the boss but it doesn't fit their nature. It is probably better if you do it the way that fits you best.
Being an example to the children is important so leading as a team using the talents and abilities of both parents is healthy.
He is the tie breaker, after both sides give their input on a decision and they don't agree someone needs to break the tie.
If she supports him and they succeed he will thank her for supporting him. If he fails he can't blame her for not supporting him. This draws them closer together. A bonus for her is she can remind him of this for the rest of his life.
If she doesn't support him and they fail he may blame her, if they succeed he may gloat because he did it in spite of her. This will divide them.
Keeping ego in check is the key. Even though styles differ fulfilling the charge is the mission.
What is the charge exactly? Provider, protector, role model, spiritual example, disciplinarian, nurturer, mentor, companion, romantic partner, supporter and handy man.
I love strong women, I have no issue taking on a supporting role. Even though I have a submissive nature, together we get the job done and I have no problem giving her full credit.
Being more assertive works too, some women want a man with a take charge bossy style, it just doesn't fit me. The critics have a problem with this style. God picked men to be the responsible party, I cant tell you why this is, I guess it had to fall on someone.
I don't have answers I'm just saying how I feel. The "Patriarchy" has been a catchall for the problems of the world, but I hear no real solutions just complaints.
Changing the genitalia of the people in charge without a focus on character is not a serious solution. If the focus is solely on who holds the power then it's just another power grab.
three hundred thirty six
Wealth, physical prowess, the ability to protect and provide are assessed by the female. She plays her part in the ritual by displaying her beauty using makeup, revealing clothing and flirtation. Let's be honest first impressions are based on these rituals.
My generation raced and wrecked muscle cars. We talked trash and got in fist fights but basically we were trying to impress a girl. We were political and got behind causes but those too had a mating motive. All of this as testosterone screamed in our ears, the pursuit of females was in the center of everything.
Professor Jordan Peterson is one voice that promotes male responsibility. He has been savagely attacked link for encouraging young men to step up to the challenges of life and become virtuous responsible men. He has written life changing books that have inspired hundreds of thousands of young men to be better men. He has been ignored, smeared, slandered and censored for this. In spite of this opposition the common sense principles he lays out in his books continues to effect a generation of young men.
Men are cave dwellers, we feel safe there. We will invite a woman in but don't want it redecorated. Real men are not victims, they keep their emotions in check, but they share them with a fishing pole or wrench in their hand.