three hundred forty


I have these on my desk next to my computer. I bought them on the Shayrl Attkissonn web site. I respect Sharyl because of her reporting integrity but I take her advice to do my own research, make up my own mind and think for myself. I read her reporting, but I do not assume she is always right I take her advice and research it.

Telling me the debate is over, the science is settled or claim everyone agrees, I take exception with these statements. These statements are designed to stop any debate. 

Any call for debate is called denial, misinformation, hate speech or  conspiracy theories. It has now been proven that any hint of opposing evidence has been censored. They do not debate or show their homework. They fear debate because their arguments and research may not hold up under scrutiny. If their arguments and research are solid they should welcome open debate to prove they are right. When they stoop to belittling insults and siting 20 year old polling, I'm not impressed. 

In spite of censorship there is information out there. It just takes a little more effort to find. Discerning the validity of sources is a little tricky but with a little scrutiny and common sense over time the facts will surface.

Many people trust a charismatic man or woman on a panel opinion show. If the panelist is from a particular ethnic group or race they are unquestionable experts. If they suffer from a handicap or illness, suffered a crime or performed a role in a movie, they are an unimpeachable experts and if they are anywhere on the gender or sexual preference spectrum, they can't be challenged. 

Asking questions is off limits and holding a different opinion can lose you a job or career. Yielding to the cult of personalities is the easier softer way. Seeking truth will get you banned, censored and unemployed.

Self censoring is everywhere today, I know I do it. If this blog had more then five followers I would already be in trouble and all I have revealed so far is the tip. 

My mission is like Shayrl's I want people to make the effort to research, make up their own mind and think for themselves.

Like Shayrl I'm not promoting my ideas or opinions. I express a few opinions but I welcome debate. I want to know the truth not build a following, I want you to have your own opinion, not someone else's. I look at these mugs everyday to remind me about principles not personalities and to earnestly seek for truth no matter where it leads.

I have lately put out opinions others may challenge. This blog is open to debate, I welcome it. If I don't have challengers, I'll begin to think I'm always right and that could turn me into an arragant jerk. If that happens I might qualify for a spot on a panel and that would be bad.

Oh, I forgot I'm not a "former prosecutor" so I guess I'm safe. 

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