three hundred forty two

 I know most people thought this was only a movie about a bunch of guys fighting, but that's only a part of the story. Since it came out in 1999 I have watched it a dozen or more times. The profound insights of Tyler Durden played by Brad Pitt were profound. Ed Norton as the narrator did not have a character name.

The movie name turned off a large part of the audience so it effected the box office success but over time it has become a cult classic.

Here are a few of the quotes.....

I know these are dark quotes but they do cut to the chase. I have written in earlier posts about my favorite book in the Bible, Ecclesiastes. It has a similar theme, there is nothing new under the sun and everything is meaningless. They both talk about distractions, poor perspectives and the futility of stuff.

Many don't like studying Ecclesiastes because of it's negative message, but it is the bottom line truth. Unlike the movie it ends with a positive conclusion and gives a positive direction. Fight Club just gets you to think and embrace life.

Yes it's a guy movie, I've watched it with women but they don't get it. Perhaps it is speaking a language only men understand. I imagine this movie would get panned today if it was made, it is far from meeting woke standards.

I watch this movie now and then to get a slap of reality. I don't run out to pick a fight or long to have a sweaty fist fight in a dark basement, but I do think about what is really not important.

I must admit in my misspent youth I learn a lot about myself fighting. I don't recommend it but I do recommend not being afraid of it either.

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