two hundred ninety five

 Preconceived Notions

To sum up my bicycle adventures in one simple phrase; I traveled through the world around me to challenge my preconceived notions.

I have spent my life being curious. I wondered how things work, how plants grow and how animals behave. I questioned what was over the horizon, under the water or up in the sky. Later I began the most interesting adventure, people.

Not only did I want to experience new places, different climates, plants, geography, foods, lifestyles and people, I wanted to actually see how they really were. I knew my ideas were shaped by movies, television, the news and others opinions. I always suspected these people, places and things would not be what I expected.

I have never been to war so I have no idea what it is like. There are many movies, TV shows and books that portray war but until it is actually experienced no one can truly grasp the reality.

It may be terminal illness, crime victim, prison or arrest, near death or religious experience, child birth, death of a child or spouse, discrimination, bullying, military service, treatment rehab, serious accident or any unique human event be it grief, joy, exhilaration or trauma. No one knows what it is like to be a policeman, middle child, garbage man, CEO and so on unless they actually are one. We get into trouble when we claim to or think we know. 

Today many people claim to know much more then they can possibly know. The cock sure attitudes of politicians, media personalities and celebrities amazes me. 

Just because you watched a movie or starred in one doesn't make you an expert. Claiming to know how other people think, what they need and how they should live is unfortunately way too common today. In fact it is rarely questioned. In many circles these bias and uninformed opinions are valued and often directly quoted.

I try to take an adventure everyday. The input I can get through all forms of media be it political, religious or a social perspective has an underlying bias. That can't be avoided, is simply human nature. It can be used to manipulate and control or it can just be a bias they are not even aware they have.

I do not criticize people because most don't even know. I do get disappointed when they do know better or are not curious enough to ask an honest question. It is up to us to ask these questions.

I am not more wise or noble, I have had mentors stir this desire that was in me. I believe it is in everyone to want to know what is real and true but many have settled. They allow others to shape their thoughts and opinions because it is easy.

The vehicle I chose to take on these physical adventures was primitive. I chose a bicycle because it is disarming and a curiosity. I was not a threat because it was unconventional. People were curious so it opens doors to conversations. These people were where they lived.

If it was a rich business owner in Maine, a bridge painter in Schenectady New York, pig farmer in Iowa or fisherman in North Carolina, it was a place to learn.

Listening is something I do but I could always improve on but I try to shut up and let other people talk. The way I do it is ask a question like an interviewer. I want to know what people think. They usually think I'm a rock star because of my mode of travel so I get past that as quickly as possible and get them to talk.

I don't debate but I do share opinions. The unwritten rule of never talking about politics or religion is BS. The politics thing is much less important then sharing my faith. It is never my goal to do this but to take it completely off of the table is wrong in my opinion.

I share what guides me and gives me peace and joy. I rarely quote scripture and I totally avoid speaking in Christian-eze. 

Politics is a mine field today so I don't initiate those conversations. I will talk generally about my political philosophy. Avoiding any party affiliation can allow the conversation to go deeper. I want to have conversations not win arguments. 

The tactics today are to pigeon hole everyone into a political tribe. If I do talk politics I want to know what YOU think not what your political party thinks. 

Realizing I don't know as much as I think comes with age. The older I get the more I reluctantly realize this. Interacting with another human being is a unique experience because each human being is unique. 

I personally don't think there is as much prejudice, hatred, bigotry and racism as it is portrayed today. Not that these do not exist, I just think from my experience we all suffer from preconceived notions about each other.

These divisions are an advantage to those who want people divided. They say they want unity but many are simply lying.

I usually talk about the "elephant in the room". It gets me in trouble sometimes but I'm willing to risk it. I believe from my investigation over the years people of all backgrounds haven't opened themselves up to take an honest look at the individual not the group.

Conversations and interactions are healing, I have seen it and have experienced it. Leaders, politicians and laws won't solve this and usually make things worse. The curious individual choosing to bypass the BS and interact with another curious individual is the only real chance we have of healing these divisions.

I know I got preachy but this is at the heart of what I learned on my bicycle. This country is made up of 340 million individuals. I haven't interacted with them all but I have interacted with many. 

Experiment with this, challenge your preconceived notions in your next conversation. Talk about something real, love, hope, fears, worries, dreams and questions. Listen more then you talk, I'm working on that one. 

Set aside your preconceived notions and hopefully let the healing begin. It comes slow but the more people interact the more the understand they share very common human traits that go beyond, race, politics, economic status or religion. 

Build bridges first then go for the hard stuff. Mankind will heal from the bottom up, not the top down.

After that go ride your bike........

two hundred ninety four


Joe Pesci and Brandon Fraser star in the 1994 movie With Honors. A story about a top academic student with a promising career and a homeless man with some unorthodox wisdom.

Though the two get off on the wrong foot, they become close friends. It is a funny and touching story about a brilliant young student and an unlikely mentor who teaches the young student some important life lessons.

One that struck me was his bag full of rocks he called his life. Each time he experienced a significant event in his life he would pick up a pebble to remember it. Each rock in the bag represented a specific memory. 

One was a good night of sleep, one was that perfect woman and so on. When he held and rubbed one of the rocks he would feel like he was there again. Once the rock was back in the bag he couldn't remember or feel it.

I think it was his way of living his life fully. As he picked a rock he could fully feel the heart break, joy, sadness, loss, pride, guilt, shame, satisfaction, serenity, triumph, disappointment or love. Once he returned the rock to the bag he could fully focus on the present and didn't have to feel his whole life at once. 

This principle is not that uncommon. A ring or neckless, a picture or letter, a song or a special scent, these all trigger strong memories and emotions. Some of these could be wonderful and some horrible. 

I try to use the idea of returning the rocks or memories to the bag. This helps me feel everything more clearly. If I see my life as a whole the more dramatic events dominate and I'm unable to feel the meaningful small moments. 

I don't want to completely forget any moment of my life, but some are so painful they dominate my thoughts and hinder my ability to love and be loved. Having a place to store them safely until a proper time to feel them is a powerful idea.

As a man, stuffing thoughts and emotions or trying to completely forget them is a way of life, but this has not been my best thinking. Experiencing, owning or processing is vital to good mental health.

Feeling things fully is really hard. I fear never being able to stop if I turn on my emotions fully. I will find that proper place and person to share them with one day.

The proper time and place for this process is also vital. The bag of rocks method allows me to choose the time and place.

I can share these with other people to help them. I can feel the tearful heart ache in private. I can feel the love and joy during down times. Each memory is cherished because it is my life, warts and all.

My rocks have come in many forms. Life is like a long bike tour, even the most stressful days become cherished memories. The longer I live the more I feel connections especially the ones that can't be broken.

two hundred ninety three


The memories of the endless miles still visit my dreams even years later. Usually in my daydreams but on occasion during those twilight dreams I have just before I wake. 

I don't know the location, the day, the year or even the trip. I do remember every detail of the faces, voices and smiles. The conversations, the questions and the kindness. 

There are vivid flashes of breathtaking views, smells, flavors and feelings. The night sky, sunset and sunrise. The vistas, small towns, cities, hot desert highways and morning dew. 

The smell of rain, freshly cut fields, the ocean, saw mills, dairy farms, plowed fields, BBQ and flowers. 

The food was always a sensual experience. My body craved fuel so I salivated even at the thought of Top Ramen. After a few hard hot days a cheeseburger, fries and milkshake in a diner was overwhelming. It was a time to stuff my face, I think that was also in Ecclesiastes.

The endless number of campsites are a blur but I still remember the sounds of traffic, crickets, tree frogs, coyotes, dogs, water falls, ocean waves, thunder, rain, wind and absolute silence. The rush of waking to wonder where in the hell I was and the search for coffee and a bathroom.

Motels were usually modest and sometimes sub-modest. I stayed in some sketchy places but they were castles compared to curling up under my tent rain fly behind a guard rail along a busy highway. The showers, clean sheets, fresh shave, sleeping naked, fresh coffee, waffles, eggs, bacon and sticky bun breakfasts. 

I washed my clothes and dried my tent and bedding. I recharged my phone batteries, watched a little television and repacked my bike so I could roll out early.

I got on the road early because I skipped the usual morning rituals, breaking camp, repacking my bike, finding coffee and a bathroom. Because of the early start these were usually 100 mile plus days. I also remember my celebratory half gallon of vanilla ice-cream after a big mileage day.

In spite of the sweat, dirt, body oder, aches, pains, blisters, wind and sun burn, insect bites and traffic stress. I embraced all of it, I was happy.

The road is a mistress, a strong and difficult task master. I am unable to resist its call and have realized I foolishly once thought I can control it. However the road is in charge I can only surrender to it and live in the stress of it. 

I thrive in this stress and embrace it's challenges. The road tests me to my limits and beyond. Like the sea, the highway must be respected and at times feared, and like the sailor, I can't resist it's call.

Many people find this foolishness but in the chaos of the bike lane I find serenity. 

I am rewarded with the feeling of satisfaction. I'm being led on an adventure that is way out of my comfort zone. That is the place real life happens.

On the road there are no shortcuts, I must continue on pushing my body past its limits. I have achieved things I could never imagine.  

I could go on and on about this because the memories of these bicycle journeys begin to flood in as I write. I have felt this unwavering and demanding strength only once before.

two hundred ninety two


March 18, 2020

Covid19 Virus 2020-21-22-? 

Hong Kong Virus 1969 

 three days of peace and music

Year 2022

Year 1969

Yeah, we were the idiots..............

two hundred ninety one

 Perhaps I'm becoming and old fart now that I have turned seventy. I've written a few post about how I feel about it. I will someday, God willing reach an age where people will talk about me while I'm in the room. That happened to my father who suffered from dementia. That is a personal nightmare to me.

When I was young I witnessed other young guys at work mocking older guys because of their age. A joking environment at work is fun but these comments were mean and belittling. I saw this and reacted but these young cocky assholes lacked any self-awareness. 

Both the human and animal kingdom have the young males challenging the older males but there is more respect and honor in the animal kingdom then these children showed to their elders. 

I learned early on to value older men and women because of their experience, they had seen decades more life then me. They weren't necessarily smarter then me, but many were. They had seen and done more then me simply because they had been alive much longer. 

Some were successful and some weren't. Some were happy and some were not. Some were wise and some were old fools. I understood I could learn from the wise ones and even the fools.

I'm not claiming to be a wiseman or a fool, I am probably a bit of both. The simple truth is I have survived my recklessness, dodged large fast moving and pointy objects and survived disease for 70+ years. 

This simple fact gives me a special vantage point. I have seen more life then the most intelligent and successful young person because I was alive for as much as fifty years longer.  

Each of our life experience is different but human nature throughout the world and through history has been a constant. People from the beginning of time have been greedy, self centered, violent, hateful, jealous and cruel. 

These were the main operating values of ancient society. God then interjected the concept of right and wrong, love, compassion and forgiveness, first through the Law of Moses and finally Jesus. Society now had a new set of values to factor in.

The seventy years that I have occupied the planet has seen more technological changes than any time in history. Human nature at its core never changes but the speed and volume of communication has accelerated at a pace never seen before.....or has it?

The book of Ecclesiastes was written by King Solomon. The reference to nothing new under the sun has always intrigued me. Has there been societies before us that had advanced technology and communication? Did we travel to other worlds? Perhaps the Pyramids are evidence of things beyond our present understanding? That doesn't factor in the Pyramids we may have also built on Mars.

I know I'm beginning to be a little silly or am I? I'm realizing more and more that I only know a little. 

We have this cocky attitude in our media and leaders today. Everyone is so sure of everything. Everything is happening for the very first time so everything is "unprecedented". Every event is perceived as the best or the worst in the history of humanity.  I call them the "Chicken Little, the sky is falling media. They abuse language, skew statistics, ignore or distort even their own recent history. 

None of this is new, from the beginning there has been a play to gain power by using division, hatred and jealousy. Any small event, natural disaster, any transgression or flaw in a fellow human being can be exploited. The one constant is their superior attitudes, false compassion and self righteous judgments. 

These words ring true, "What has been will be again and what has been done will be done again". 

The one slight super power I have is that I don't forget what someone said or did. I have trouble with names and numbers but I remember most details of conversations and events.

Humans have short memories we need constant reminders of our mission, values and history. Statues, memorials, songs and pledges help us remember what happened before and after, were and how it happen, who did it and why they did it.

The effort to erase or rewrite our history is a conscious effort to divide and deceive us. I represent a threat because I was around when these things happened and remember the what, who and why about our history.

The truth of these words is directed to the need to understand and remember our history.

I could write volumes of examples but this is a natural motivation to gain control and power. The basic yearning or temptation that began in the Garden of Eden. Man from the beginning has yearned to be God.

Building bridges or destroying them, unifying or dividing, stirring hatred or sewing peace, these are the real questions.

I accept these words. "There is nothing new under the sun". Now I look at the fruit produced to find my way to what is true. Yes it is that simple.

Watch the news, listen to a speech or watch what they do, then shove everything through this filter; are they dividing or healing? 

They all claim to heal, they claim to know history and they claim superior thoughts, morals and knowledge, but they can't hide their real motives.........if you just take the time to look clearly.

These words are available to everyone, I have been fortunate to find them. My lower base nature is always in play but by God's grace I have been blessed and guided into this truth. I must push my own thoughts, motives and actions through this same filter. 

The questions I am guided and judged by are; am I dividing or healing, am I promoting violence or peace, am I spreading hatred or love?

two hundred ninety


PASSION.....that thing that makes you skip a meal, deprive yourself of sleep, endure discomfort and ignore primal cravings including sexual pleasure. Some find this in their work, hobbies, devotion to others or a soul feeding cause.

I have experienced this passion only a few times in my life. I believe finding and living this passion is vital to being fully human. 

There are very few of us who find our passions and fully live them. They are sometimes clear and defined but other times they are hidden and unfocused.

The pursuit of fame, wealth and power are not my passion, that is very clear. Serving the needs of others has produced the deepest and most fulfilling segments of my life.

At 70 I have been struggling to find that passion again. I do not work now so my days are an endless spiral of unfocused energy and thoughts. Finding a new passion is vital for my longterm survival.

It is winter in Oregon so the bicycle is out. Joining a gym, learning to fish, backpacking and hiking are on my list. TV, eating and enjoying my parrots just isn't enough.

This post isn't full of insight or wisdom. It is just me admitting I am stuck.........

two hundred eighty nine

I thought ADHD is just an excuse for being undisciplined and stupid.....

I doubt you can understand how difficult it is for me to create one of these posts. I start then stop, I walk away for hours or days, I delete everything and start over again and again. I post then I endlessly tweak, I mean endlessly. Like I have said before I have focus issues but I always thought ADHD was just an excuse.

This morning I watched this video about ADHD (link) I rarely look at anything like this because I refuse to admit I have a weakness and God forbid a handicap. 

The doctor described my life in such detail it really disturbed me. I understand now how this condition has limited me throughout my life.

Focus is only a small part of it, the overwhelming emotions, feelings of insecurity, compulsive behavior and compulsive thoughts where things I did not associate with this disorder.

The constant flashes of distractions, the inability to follow through and the endless list of half finished projects have been a source of shame, embarrassment and frustration.

I get stuck on things, physically, mentally and emotionally. I can have flashes of rage that I have successfully over the years suppressed. 

When I was younger I punched walls, car fenders and threw plenty of tools. I have a fifty two stitch scar on my right hand from punching a window. 

I finally got tired of fixing walls and windows plus I was running low on tools. I rarely feel that flash of rage, in fact I can say it only visits once or twice a decade. 

I feel like I have been wondering through my life attempting to find that one place that fits. Years of deep depression were simply survived. I made some bad choices as to how to survive, but those almost killed me. 

I have made no secret of my sobriety and do not blame my behavior on this condition but it was a self medicating part of my journey.

I have wrestled with this alone for most of my life. I have had some victories but mostly I have just learned to live with it.

He described that in spite of this condition I can focus like a laser on the things that I have a passion for.

It is obvious long distance bicycle touring is one of them. I have trouble enjoying a short training ride, I have too many distractions and get bored very quickly. Really Big Circles is more than just the name of my blog it is how I can stay focused for a day, week or month. The thousands of miles from home with only my whits and a bicycle put me in that crisis survival mode. This is where I can live in that clear focus mode for months.

Early in my life I had other passions, falling in love, building a home, my family, running and rebuilding tractors. Even then I was scattered skipping from one thing to another. I know I drove the people around me crazy. I had no real focus or clear direction. 

Finally one subject that drove me was the study of the Bible and the exploration of my faith. I cannot read technical manuals, boring history or silly novels. Erotic books could not hold my interest for more than a short time. I did however spend years exploring and researching the Bible because I had a passion for truth and understanding. That is the most life changing and rewarding experience of my life. I still have passion for my faith but I have lost some of the drive to study.

After years of drifting AA meetings and the step work took over my life for several years and I did retain a passion for meetings and helping others. 

I turn hobbies like board games, cards and video games into a contact sport. Organized team sports, golf, fishing, hunting and group riding have never captured my interest because of the social interaction or lack of real danger.

I love edge play, danger, risk and recklessness. I did things like this alone and in private. I feed on the fear to pump up the adrenaline, a drug I lived on for most of my life. Fast cars and motorcycles almost killed me many times.  

One safe and focused place was finding someone I trusted to pour my life and energy into fully. I have taken as many risks with my heart as I have with my body.

The picture of my brother and a much smaller version of me reminds me of how whatever my brother asked me to do I would do no matter what it was. I followed him around like a puppy dog. I adored my big brother and would follow his lead anywhere. 

I did this until the night I got sprayed in the face by a skunk. I had put expectations on him that he wasn't aware of so it was unfair to hold him to them. He could at times be an ass but tables turned I might have done the same, we were kids.

One night I was invited to help check his trap line. This was a very special night. We got to an abandoned fox den occupied by a mother skunk. She was in one or more of his foot traps and she was very pissed off. He handed me a flashlight and a hammer and said, "crawl down in there and get my traps". 

I was willing to do anything to win his approval. As I was head first up to my waist in the hole, I learned the mother skunk had a different idea. After temporary blindness and a tomato juice bath I learned not to blindly trust anyone, not even my big brother.

My own Father who I suspect struggled with similar focus issues was a great Dad but he was distant. My Mother was loving but lacked the understanding of boundaries. They both did the best they could.

I guess you could call wanting to completely aline myself to another person codependent and in a way it probably is. I make a distinction based on whether the one I trust completely is looking after my best interest. I don't think that dynamic is right or wrong it just fits me.

On my own I struggle with just about every day to day thing, without a source of focus I am adrift without a rudder. If I find someone trustworthy whatever they say or even suggest I am focus like a laser to do whatever it is.

I will pour myself into this completely, I will take it to the next level. I will do whatever it takes I'll skip a meal, lose sleep, endure discomfort and endure just about anything to finish my task.

That simple look of approval is all I require. Finding that person is rare, some fine it in their football coach, drill Sergeant, teacher, friend, sponsor or significant other.

Fitting in this world alone is hard enough without this condition so putting myself out there to find that perfect person does have its ups and downs. 

I have risked my heart completely and yes I have been foolish, I've been disappointed and I've been manipulated. I have had my heart broken and my soul crushed, but I have no regrets because I have also found that perfect fit. 

I found that one moment in my life I was completely alive, focused and safe. I could accomplish amazing things.

I have learned not to put expectations or responsibilities on another person, that would not be fair. I accept full responsibility for my own happiness and failures, it is my choice to follow another persons direction. 

I can't hold anything back, loving without a net may be fool hearty but without living life with my whole body, mind and heart, what would be the point. The risk is real but the rewards take me to a place where I can finally feel complete. This sounds like a hopeless romantic train wreck way of living but that is how I have found the most fulfilling moments of my life. 

I most likely have this disorder, but living life close to the edge is where I need to be. I have gained some wisdom from mistakes but I haven't been conditioned to hide from life. 

I have the brain I have and my own mind, body and soul to risk. Choices and consequences is a world we all live in, I refuse to hide one more day of my life to avoid discomfort. Being safe has its rewards but I have survives so far and still long to see beyond the next corner and over the next mountain.