This was a small town in southern Utah, I had just started
my day and the weather was perfect. This was only the second day of my trip
back to Phoenix. I had been sick the weeks before I started so I was not in
top shape for the next day’s climb.
This wasn’t my first tour so I knew not to
focus on the miles and miss something interesting. I saw this fellow chillin’
by the road so I thought I needed a rest too.
I learned about the town and the
local politics. This nice man was the former Post Master who had actually built
the US Post Office over fifty years earlier as a young man. They had never paid
him so he took it home after he retired. It was small enough to drag home with
a tractor. He now uses it as a potting shed for his wife.
He had watched the world change
from this small town for about sixty years. I was just another character in the
endless parade past his home. We had a lot more in common then I first thought.
As we talked, I realized we were alike in many ways. He observed the world from
his spot in this small town, I watch it from the seat of my bicycle.