Five nights in a tent while touring are like this; the first couple of nights are fine, the third and fourth are tolerable and the fifth is enough.
I'm filthy, my clothes are dirty, my bones ache, and I need something cold to drink. I want a bath and a bed, and all day I had planned to find a cheap motel. The end of my day brought me to a tourist area where all of the motels are too expensive or full.
Reluctantly I search for another place to camp. The service station restroom bath this morning was just not enough, my clothes stink, I fact I have trouble standing my own smells. This night is going to suck.
I was once turned away from a place in LA. The girl at the desk looked me over and said "sorry, no vacancy", however I knew they were half empty. Their phone number was on the glass door, so I called and said I was a Lawyer from Ohio and wanted a room and a shuttle ride from LAX.
She cheerfully said there were plenty of rooms and where to find the shuttle. As we talked she noticed me in the window. She eventually realized my lips matched the voice on her phone.
As her face turned red I closed my phone and smiled. Then rode away into the sunset looking for a place for the night even though it would be miserable.
I made it a point to find a place early the next day. Sometimes I make it a short day so I can wash my clothes, soak in the tub, find a store and eat raisin brand cereal with cold milk and wash it down with a half gallon of ice cream.
I repack my bike before bed so I can get an early start. I feel like an old tom cat home from a two week adventure. I'm in a safe place so I can relax. I must admit clean clothes, long showers and those clean sheets are a true luxury.
Some places have a continental breakfast so I load up with sticky buns and fruit. Clean clothes, charged phone and batteries, clean and rested body, an hour on the internet to check in and pay some bills, I'm ready for 400 miles, and five more nights in my tent.