three hundred eighty one


As the internet became more user friendly and available to the average person we have gone from the almost unrestricted free flow of information to illegal  corporation/government involved censorship. 

If you are still relying on media of any form to give you the complete picture you are naive. You are being manipulated, propagandized and lied to. Because we can't be everywhere news and events happen we have relied on the constitutionally protected media to tell us the full unbiased truth. 

Unfortunately most media sources have completely sold out to the forces of popularity, profit and ideology. When they are called out they hide behind this constitutional protection and lash out to demonize and destroy anyone who may reveal the truth about their lies and omissions.

Ironically they accuse any uncontrolled voice of spreading conspiracy theories, misinformation and lies. Their obvious over reaction to free speech is clear but if you say something enough times a percentage of people will believe it. No matter how obvious this is they will always have an audience because it is just easier to go along. 

Many stay loyal to a particular news source because they hate the same people they hate. They spin every event to claim all credit for the home team and assess all blame to the enemy team. Loyal listeners enjoy the steady stream of hate, insults and mocking and they accept it as accurate and unbiased. Don't get me wrong this is a problem across the political spectrum.

Many have become frustrated and have reached a point they ignore everything but even they are being propagandized by entertainment, social media and search engines. 

Even if you see this clearly it is extremely difficult to find reliable sources of accurate information. History is being rewritten, values have been changed, words are redefined and age old common sense and morals are now called hate, bigotry and racism. 
If you do have the curiosity to know what is true I believe it is still possible. We all need to learn the art of discernment or critical thinking. Unfortunately this basic skill is no longer taught in schools or colleges. They still use these terms but even the words are part of the new deception. First it requires a willingness to know the whole truth but even this is discouraged. 

Before Vatican two there were many Catholics who relied on Priests to discern the truth about the Bible. In fact laymen Catholics were discouraged from reading  the Bible because it would confuse and mislead them. After Vatican Two there were many Bible study groups formed and a grass roots reform happened. Throughout history anytime the common man has access to information there is a change.

America is built on the principle of a citizen controlled government with a free flow of information. However this requires the active participation of the citizen. We require free and fare elections. Trust in our representatives, justice system and media. Unfortunately too many of us have been asleep, distracted, deceived and propagandized.  

It all begins with the willingness and skill to see the big picture. Our media uses the tunnel vision method to manipulate the masses. If it is cold, hot, rain, no rain, fires, floods, storms, earthquakes, volcanos or bad hair days it is the end of democracy, freedom or the whole damn world.  Then they blame the other team because they didn't pass more legislation, spend enough money or enact a new policy. 

They lie by omission, if an event happened but no one reports on it to many it did not happen. If someone does say it happen it is characterized as misinformation, a talking point or a nutty conspiracy.
Facts and actual solutions be damned, the worst thing a politician  can do is actually solve a problem. They dramatically proclaim all problems are a crisis that desperately need to be solved by spending more and more money, passing sweeping legislation and regulating. Most important it becomes a powerful club to beat your enemies with because they are greedy cold hearted haters who just don't care. 

Occasionally there is someone who tries to change this. They actually solve problems, spend less money, enforce laws, shrink government and give the power back to us, but if this does happen we see the results. Most can't endure this pressure and quickly sell out, get destroyed by media or go to jail. 

People can be destroyed but ideas live on, this is harder to control. Ideas inspire and endure, they create movements but these are subject to demonization. They are blamed for acts of violence that only happen in made for TV movies. Insults and mischaracterizations only fan the flames and steel the resolve of those being smeared. 

Propaganda is powerful but government agencies, news media and big tech have lied so often more and more people don't trust them. But to the true believers even the statement that the media is bias will draw mocking criticism. 

Everything is now political, we must understand that fact. The days of blindly trusting anyone to tell us the whole truth are over. In a way that isn't a bad thing. Discerning is a lost art, like an atrophied muscle it needs to be strengthened.   

I know if feels like all is lost but throughout history only a small percentage of people have righted a sinking ship. America has a history of losing focus but when it gets bad enough they wake up. The Emperor is naked and average people are beginning to notice. 

Information is now coming to us in a form that bypasses major media. Actual events are happening to everyone, at the gas pump, the grocery store check out, in restaurants, housing costs, subscription fees, air travel, medicine and utility bills. Violence, homelessness and hatred are actually in our neighborhood not in another neighborhood across town. The constant reactions of our current leaders is a steady hate filled stream of accusations that others are causing division and hatred while at the same time preaching empty words of unity and caring. 

I see signs everyday that our media and politicians are wearing out their message and becoming a comedy sketch. You can tell because the words change because the old ones have lost their effect. The smell of bull shit is so strong now that well crafted words won't cover it up.

I know there will always be gullible people of all stripes. With the media megaphone they seem larger than they really are. Only a few will diligently search the internet for the absolute truth but everyone pays bills and sees the world around them. They may not show up in poll numbers or attend rallies but more and more are waking up. 

They are actually afraid of an informed motivated and pissed off citizen. If even a small percentage wake up they will lose control. Five minutes of unfiltered truth or a negative experience can destroy a life of indoctrination. 

I am worried but I trust the American idea. Keeping the masses dependent, angry and scared will just go so far until the average citizen wakes up. I think we are quietly waking up. 

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