three hundred sixty nine


It is Easter morning 2023, Christians around the world are attempting to get their minds around an event that changed everything. 

We all share this short moment in time. People die and we never see them again. They are born, hopefully live a long life then they die. Whatever they did may or may not matter. They will be remembered or completely forgotten. They may leave children, wealth, inventions, great literature, music, art and a good reputation, or they may leave destruction, debt and great shame.

The one question that haunts us all, is this all there is? Many try to rationalize, minimize or ignore this age old nagging question but it never completely goes away.

There was a well documented event on this day. A man died and is alive again. Not a spirit but a walking talking eating being. Witnesses who had nothing to gain but everything to lose in this life told us this happened. They faced shame, ridicule, imprisonment, torture and died horrible deaths to bare witness to what they have seen.

The man they knew and loved, at the moment he needed them most, they abandoned him. He was beaten, shamed and brutally killed. He was dead for three days and after three days he is alive again. 

Hundreds saw him, touched him, talked with him and ate with him.  The things he had been telling them came true. Their eyes were opened and they understood he was the one the profits were talking about.

The good news of Jesus is not only about living a successful life it is more. He says we can do the same thing he did and live beyond this life. So in the grand scheme of things that is a big deal. 

This blog post will not change anyones mind about anything. I can't open a heart or mind, I can just tell you about my own hope. I'm 71 years old and am relying on what God promised me. I have long ago moved past any question about his existence. I now rely on the fact that he is faithful to his words. 

I accept the reality that I'm going to eventually die. I hope I don't leave too soon or leave too much wreckage. I'm trying to clean up as much of that as I can. I would like to think a few people will miss me and I'll live on in their memories. 

As I contemplate leaving this dimension this promise is something I rely on more and more. I'm not certain what it will be like and I don't waste much time wondering I just trust it will be good. 

My hope is that everyone takes a sober look at what I have found and finds comfort in this promise too.

There have been dark times when I was exhausted with living and wished for it to stop but even in those moments a small voice told me there was something more. At first I was given the strength to endure life, then embrace it and finally enjoy it, but then I found that I can live my life without fear.

I know this subject gets a reaction. Many don't want to think about death and what might be beyond. 

The one thing I have right was consider the possibility that any of this was true. From the moment I found this until now I searched, tested, questioned and doubted my way to believing. I didn't want to waste my life on some weird cult so I continuously beat it up and try to prove it wrong. After doing this for 43 years I have decided it is true.

This life after death thing is a big deal but sadly it often gets as much attention as the rinse and repeat instructions on a shampoo bottle. 

I hold onto this promise tighter and tighter every day. My life will not end at physical death it will only be a beginning. 

Knock, crack open the door, entertain the possibility, get curious or get angry and try to prove it wrong. Whatever you do, don't turn away. There is an answer to that nagging question.

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