three hundred seventy one


Spring has sprung in central Oregon.......well spring-ish.

I ordered a new stem for my bicycle, for a less aggressive position because I'm not as flexible as I once was. The bicycle trip dream is still alive. At 71 I can expect a few issues but nothing to derail my dream.

I had a little health scare. A little buildup in my heart plumbing so I had several tests. The stress test went well so I can be as active as I want to be. I'm eating better, losing weight and doing plenty of walking, the new knee is working perfectly. 

Most of my symptoms are in my head so I'm trying to avoid stress. Stress has been a factor in my health for many years so I have learned to rely on the serenity prayer daily. 

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference."

I could care less about the royal family, opinion polls, the View, AOC, the latest Trump "bombshell" or anything John Steward thinks. The world is in turmoil so I focus more on world events. 

Most of the news is in the category of "the things I cannot change". If there is something that I can do more then just get stressed, angry or worry, I do it.

I have begun a daily search for the source of wisdom. I have found my answers by focusing on God's wisdom. Finding comfort in his words has given me a peace in the middle of the daily storm of fear, worry and anger.

Waking up with that feeling of impending doom has long ago gone away. I have found a peace as I sleep, a tolerance for things that really don't matter and a love for spending my time helping others. 

My last post was heavy but something that needed to be heard. Some things are in the category of "courage to change the things I can". All I can do is be ready when I need to speak out or stand strong.

Life will happen no matter how much I worry so I stopped worrying. Sounds simple but it really is. There are important things to be aware of but wallowing in them is a complete waste of my life energy. 

The only thing I can do is help others to find the wisdom and peace I have found. Life is for living not for worrying about things I cannot change.   

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