three hundred fifty eight

Throughout man's history the sun, moon and stars have dictated our outdoor activity. When the sun rose we began our day and when the sun set we ended our day. Out of our shelters the only source of light were the stars and moon. The dark star filled sky above them caused them to ponder the vastness of the universe. 

Stars were used for navigation, worship and determining the seasons.  Comets, meteor showers and eclipses were witnessed by everyone. Today we may have an App on our phone to tell us exactly when and where these things will happen, but we rarely take the time.

The use of fire gave warmth, food preparation and light but it was limited to one central location.

Torches were created by using animal fats and some tree extracts. This made them mobile but they were still very limited.

Oil lamps had both mobility and duration, most used olive oil.

Candles were used and are still popular. Early candles were created using animal tallow and bees wax. Today there is an entire industry but most candles are used for atmosphere and special occasions. Even candles have been replaced by battery operated candles to limit indoor pollution.

Kerosene lamps are adjustable, mobil and long lasting. I have camped with one many times. I had a collection of the indoor style. In the winter they can actually heat a small room.

Along came the electric grid, indoor lighting soon was in the majority of homes. The incandescent light bulb allowed industry to operate twenty four hours a day. Even areas without access to the electric grid may have solar panels, long lasting batteries and converters.  

The original use of light was focused on our indoor use. Outdoor lighting was on porches to see who was at the door or find the key hole.

Street lights were common in larger cities but they were simply to see where we are going. I lived in the country when there were no outdoor lights at all. Finally a neighbor put a Mercury Vapor security light in his front yard, I hated that thing. One stupid light ruined my night time view of the stars.

Soon everyone had one of these lighting their back yards like a football stadium. Street lights turned night to day. Car headlights became brighter and brighter and flashlights got into a lumen war. What's next night time light protection lotion?

 Cities are lighted so much many people are completely unaware that there are stars. This is good for safety and night time activities but I don't believe man being so separated from the majesty of the night time sky is healthy for our souls.

The view of the US from space reveals how civilization has embraced lighting. It must be a beautiful sight from the International Space Station but from earth we only see the limited world around us. 

I recently found a Dark Sky app that maps out the places on the earth not effected by light pollution. If you look closely at the east half of the country there is very little "Dark Sky". 

On my trips across the country I found many star filled nights. Sleeping under the stars is my all time favorite. In fact I rarely have a campfire because it ruins my night vision. If I have my short wave radio I'm away from electronic noise. 

I can spend hours pondering the universe while scanning international broadcasts. I once tuned into a shortwave transmission from the International Space Station while I could see it streak through the heavens. 

I get a kick out of fine tuning a SSB ham radio signal from half way around the world. This doesn't seem like a big deal today now that we have the internet, if I knew his phone number I could just call him on my cell phone.  

This was a passion of mine when I lived in the country but living in the city there is just too much electronic background noise. Most of this noise is from the newer energy saving light bulbs.

Fortunately I live only 20 or 30 miles from an ideal dark sky area. I plan to do a few nights in an isolated spot, drinking coffee, scanning the radio bands and pondering the mystery of the universe. 

I will find a perfect clear no moon meteor shower night. I'll take my scooter, camp chair, radio, monocular, camp stove and sleeping bag. I will also take a red head lamp so I can read my Bible and ponder his words.........

God put all of this above us as proof of his existence and power. It is good to know how insignificant we are in the whole scheme of things. 

Without occasionally acknowledging where we stand, we can forget and focus on our meaningless differences. It is good for a man to feel how truly small he is. 

We can also ponder how the same God who created all of this as an afterthought cares enough about us that he listens to our individual prayers. 

Being away from all distraction, prayer is easier. I can not only pray, I can stop and quietly listen for his answers. 

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