three hundred forty nine


There is plenty of talk about the Matrix today. The movie is a cult classic and now part of our pop culture, I refer to it often myself. The idea of living in a digital reality is becoming more then a possibility but in some circles a certainty. References to uploading our digital selves into a computer to become immortal has popped up in movies and television programing for many years. 

We have VR and amazing animation, deep fakes are almost impossible to detect, the Meta-verse simulates a digital world and AI is everywhere. I talked with customer support and for a few minutes thought I was actually talking with a real person. To someone who spent most of my life in a world of home phones, radio, paper maps, magnetic tape voice recording and video and broadcast analog television everything is amazing.

The next leap in technology maybe some sort of digital world but with smart phones, high speed internet and social media many have already crossed over. The technology will continue to get better and better to make things seem like reality but I believe the Matrix will always be flawed and a choice.

The movie portrays the difficulty of escaping the matrix. An army of digital G-men tracking down suspected rebels pop in and out of the matrix to capture the red pilled rebels. 

The idea that an entire civilization used as batteries to power the matrix is far fetched, but living in a programed reality is not. Not the complete programing of a physical reality but what we fear, lust for, hate, love and understand can be. 

A percentage have already surrendered to this so called matrix. They rely on government for their food, housing, health and safety. They are entertained by blinking and flashing games, live on delusions of fame and fortune and spend their lives following pop stars. 

They put their trust in the selected few that are smart, wise and always looking after their best interests. These leaders are happy to supply just enough crumbs to keep them quiet and docile. 

Some think being consumed by the matrix is inevitable or has already happened and they act like all is lost. I admit things are bad but the will to be free is in our blood. 

The rebels had the drive to endure the hardship of reality, I can't claim that is in my nature. As a recovering alcoholic the draw to live in an altered reality captured me for years. Once I tasted the serenity of reality I found the richness of life so I will never turn back.

The draw of escape is strong, the master plan is to make life so hopeless that checking out sounds comforting. Drug abuse, alcohol, sex, sports, gambling, suicide and escape entertainment are on the rise. 

Bread and Circuses
 Public trials and punishment of nonconformist, sound familiar?

This is not new, the masses have been controlled this way way before the internet. I believe the same percentage of people will fall prey to this trap and the same percentage will resist. Like it says in Ecclesiastes "There is nothing new under the sun".

Like the writer says the conclusion of the matter is "Fear God and keep his commandments". This struggle has gone on from the beginning so all is not lost. 

Living in reality is not easy, but today the so called puppet masters are becoming victims of their own devices. If you are awake the fight is on don't lose heart these are mere mortals.

Interesting video about the movie....LINK

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