three hundred forty four


Hillary is not the only liar politician but she is the most successful.

"To be honest"

"To tell you the truth"

"Trust what I say"

"Believe me"

"Let me be perfectly clear"

"The fact is"

"Everyone knows"

"Everyone agrees"

"At this point what difference does it make"

"Nothing burger"

These are a few phrases used by politicians to couch their tall tales. I can't get my head around how anyone standing before a room full of people can tell bold face lies knowing full well half of the listeners know they are lies. I can't imagine doing it if there is even one person in the room who might know, I guess that's what makes a politician special. 

I'm a recovering alcoholic so to me lying is a character defect and should be removed. I am not perfect but at least I know it is wrong. If I do lie it bothers me so much I quickly make it right.

Chuck Todd, Meet The Press

Today the so called unbiased press are a joke. If anyone is responsible for truth telling, it is the press. Unfortunately they intentionally miss-quote, rarely ask a truth seeking question and selectively investigate. They intentionally dwell on petty stories while omitting important stories. They not only lie to shape a narrative, they are hostile to any reporter who gets out of line and does the slightest bit of real journalism. 

Peter Doocy still asks real questions but gets no answers

They are hard on some politicians but go easy on others. As the constitutionally protected watch dog free press they should be hard on everyone. Recently they coverup lies and corruption on some politicians while slandering and falsely reporting on others. 

They are in the same boat as politicians. They openly lie while half of their audience knows they are lying. Many consumers of this so called news have had the blinders removed. We all see a bias in most media but the blatant lies as they become propagandists is glaring.

A percentage of news consumers get fed up and turn it all off, which is part of the plan. Others see the distortions, omissions and out right lies then they research for themselves. Once you see it you can't unsee it.  

Don't get me wrong there is a place for political commentary. We have always had a segment of the news broadcast specifically dedicated to commentary. There are designated television, radio, podcast and columnists who express political opinion. Most make a point of saying they are expressing their opinions and are not journalists. A few call themselves journalists who express opinions so today the line has become blurred. Next time you read, listen or watch see if they are clear on this distinction.

Rachel Maddow
Joy Reid
Sean Hannity
Tucker Carlson

These are only a few of the television opinion commentators. Along with opinion they do some reporting and interviews but with a political bias. Without this distinction many consumers rely on them as their only source of news. It is easier to listen to people you agree with but you only get part of the story. 

I enjoy the rough and tumble of debate, unfortunately there is less and less actual debate on either side. They all point out opinions and personalities they disagree with, present their opposing arguments and at times mock them by playing video clips.   

Some encourage their viewers to believe they are totally unbiased, by regularly attacking other opinion programs. They label their opinions hate speech, call them racists, murderers and liars. They go as far as to call for their censorship and removal from the air. 

What breaks my heart are the people who are satisfied with living in a bubble. I know it's another bible verse but I think the principle fits. Paul was referring to false doctrines but it applies to blindly following anything.

2 Timothy 4 " suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths."

News Readers

Unfortunately the failings of those claiming the mantle of the unbiased truth telling press have undermined most public trust. What once was sacred ground is now a political play ground, this is the height of hypocrisy. Over paid pretty people who read a prompter, I regard them lower then politicians.

In the age of the internet social media became a source of information. This is where the majority of young people get all of their news. The recent censorship has been exposed but ironically the main stream press has completely omitted any reporting. 

It's hard to find accurate information so I explore everything. If someone is being ignored or slandered in the press I'm interested in what they are saying or doing. Many times I discover the real reason why. 

Slowly a hidden bias has morphed into an open bias. The use of propaganda tools have become common place. Finally they rationalize blatant censorship to limit speech. Remember these are the people who still call themselves the unbiased free press. The people who once embraced free speech are now acting more like fascists. 

Fixing these so called news outlets will not happen until they are abandoned by the consumers. The only way this happens is when people grow a hunger for the truth and won't settle for anything less. 

Slowly more and more people have opened their eyes and see they have been deceived. Yes many will see the hypocrisy but choose to stay loyal to the "party" because they don't want to be called names. The crazier it gets the more I hear the phrase "I know I shouldn't say or think this but.......", I believe this is a small crack in the wall.

The more censorship the deeper you have to look. Learning to discern what is true is not that difficult. Once you peek behind the curtain or take the blinders off it gets clearer and clearer. 

It has been years since I have watched television for my news, I have a whole spectrum of evolving sources. I continue to question everything because if it is true it will hold up to scrutiny. If you aren't aloud to debate, is it really true?

A good sign is, people are getting fed up with these obvious games, but many are still not there yet. Great awakenings have come in worse times so don't be discouraged independence and freedom are still in our blood.

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