I did buy a leather jacket and hat and took off a few times hitch hiking. My first few times I made all of the stupid mistakes but avoided the serial killers, but I did find and politely avoid a few creepy truck drivers. I remember so clearly being in the middle of Pennsylvania at 6 am trying to hitch a ride after sleeping under a truck on a piece of cardboard. It sounds like a nightmare but I had a smile on my face I'll never forget.
The middle of nowhere with only my whits is somehow soothing. I found the same feeling with a bicycle, a motorcycle comes with a lot of limitations. People don't react the same to a motorcycle as they do a nut in the middle of nowhere on a bicycle.
Living in Oregon the summers are filled with hundreds of guys my age taking epic journeys on very nice touring motorcycles. They travel longer distances from motel to motel avoiding the stress of leg power and primitive camping. I may someday do that but now I'll stick to my peddle bike.
On a bicycle there are things you just can't do. One of these is go fast and you can't go far, legs and lungs are the only motor you have. The weather and terrain rule your days. The slow slog puts you in contact with so many more people along the way.
If you go on Youtube you can watch a clip of this conversation. Jim Bronson has a conversation with a business guy going to work who is curious about what Jim was doing. He asked "were are you headed?", Jim answered "where ever I end up I guess". I have had the vary interaction with so many people who ask me the same question.
The guy in the car seemed to be in awe if the free spirit of a young guy on an epic journey. It doesn't seem like much but to many people the thought of unfocused freedom thrills and terrifies them.
The call of the road is strong in me I have never ever been in a more perfect place then the middle of nowhere special. Each time I have fed this need, the need grows stronger. The older I get the more my eyes search the horizon longing to see what is over the hill and around the corner.
My previous post talked about my focus issues. What I have discovered I find serenity in the chaos of the bike lane. That and the feeling of freedom I can't imagine a more perfect place to be.