Emotional decisions are not advised after any traumatic event. However politicians seem to strike hard to "do something". If you do not want to rush to "do something" you are accused of wanting disasters to happen, how low can you go, but after each tragedy I am amazed how they can sink to a new low.
three hundred seventeen
Emotional decisions are not advised after any traumatic event. However politicians seem to strike hard to "do something". If you do not want to rush to "do something" you are accused of wanting disasters to happen, how low can you go, but after each tragedy I am amazed how they can sink to a new low.
three hundred sixteen
three hundred fifteen
Anyone who knows me will laugh about my obsessions. I get stuck on an idea and I don't stop until every detail is complete. Not the best trait but it is how I am wired. This motor scooter is my transportation now that we have one car. It finally warmed up enough to ride comfortably but mornings are still chilly.
I am going camping about 100 miles south of here with a bunch of sober guys. They are avid fishermen and I am trying to find a retirement hobby. I plan to pack my bicycle camping gear and a few extra creature comforts and take the back roads and trails to the camp.
This is only a temporary distraction from the bicycle. I have had a hip issue that is now healed. I have had major dental work, a small surgery to remove a mole and a physical so I'm good to go.
Tonight in a group I attend we talked about being a talker or a doer. I learned this from a very influential person in my life. It was expected of me that when I said I would do something I would without fail do what I said I would do. I am grateful for this instruction because I became a better man.
I will continue my training but right now I'm having a blast riding this 100+ mpg distraction.
three hundred fourteen
three hundred thirteen
three hundred twelve
three hundred eleven
three hundred ten
The need to know vs The right to know
As a baby boomer child of the sixties I grew up with the idea that we have free speech rights. I grew up through the Water Gate scandal toppling a President, the NYT releasing the Pentagon Papers, Saturday Night Live went after everyone (and were still funny), 60 Minutes actually doing investigative reporting, Meet The Press hammered everyone with intelligent questions and a government protecting Cold War secrets.
The turmoil of the sixties set into place a distrust for authority especially government, we thought we had the right to know the truth about everything. I first thought the media was the point of the spear investigating and questioning government authority.
Over all I thought they were doing a great job because at the time I liked what they were saying. I began to see a bias but so what they were "stickin' it to the man" so I didn't mind at the time.
My father was in the Army in the Battle of the Bulge, my brother was a Marine in Vietnam and I had a Selective Service draft card in my wallet.
I had pier pressure from my hippy friends, opinions from WW2 and Korean War vets at work. I was faced with the question of what would I do. Enlist, wait for a draft notice or find a deferment. There were good arguments on both sides. I had to decide what to think about the whole deal, but I had access to the arguments.
Yeah, John Kerry was against the establishment before he was its spokesman.
There was a lot of division back then but we could still have a conversation. People were actually more informed back then.
Many things about me have changed over the decades. Many of my opinions have changed and many have been fortified but my constant curiosity to know what is true has not. I want to know no matter what. I want to trust my government but their arrogant "need to know" approach doesn't work fo me I have a "right to know"and I'm not an ignorant peasant.
The latest example is their approach to the pandemic. They have not been open about anything. This is the answer "because we are the government" still doesn't work for me. I want to know your reasoning, convince me with evidence and answer our questions, I have the right to know.
Maybe it is my generation but where did this simple principle go? The media is no longer curious or they have become a government mouth piece. Where are the investigations? Why are only some voices being silenced by social media? Why aren't we really pissed off?
I have avoided the Republican vs Democrat thing but why don't we all want more speech, a relentless media, open debate and a demand for the truth.
I want to know "the story" not " a story". Don't dumb things down challenge me, make me think! This silly crap you call news is geared to spoiled children.
Challenge and inform us, ask probing intelligent questions and please ask a follow up question. If you think people aren't informed why don't you accept some of the blame. Perhaps you want us uninformed?
I doubt if any news anchor or a social media billionaire will read this blog but I now distrust you far more than government. Government is by nature secretive and dishonest but you are the fourth estate, enjoying the protection of the first amendment. You have a charge to inform us about what they are doing.
Why do you spout virtue, openness and free speech but then you hide the truth and tell us lies.
three hundred nine
three hundred eight
For some reason when I was a kid we had a dog whistle. We didn't have formerly trained dogs. Our mutt dogs lived outside, came when they were called and crapped in the neighbors yard. They barked at strangers, did not bite and were great with kids.
One definition I found was; A "political dog whistle" is a coded message communicated through words or phrases commonly understood by a particular group of people, but not by others.
Ironically the only people who possess the ability to hear these secret words and phrases are in the media. They by definition are the targets of these secret words and phrases because they seem to be the only ones who can hear them....woof woof!
Serious journalists like Morning Joe and Mika can hear them but they are not alone in this.
There are dozens of pundits on networks and cable outlets that can clearly hear and interpret every secret word, phrase, hand gesture and symbol. I have learned so much about all of the secret coded messages I am supposedly guided by.
They say with only a few speeches Nixon convinced racist southern Democrats to switch political parties. They say he did it with secret coded words and secret messages or dog whistles.
I have heard about the Southern Strategy for decades but no one explains why a racist would leave a racist party. The shift might have been because Nixon offered and alternative to non-racists to leave a racist party.
The media obsession with the KKK is great for starving actors because Netflix may have employed more of them to dress up like clan members than there are actual clan members.
Citronella Tiki torches are for more then mosquito control, but I do hate mosquitos.
Displaying a flag and singing the National Anthem is secret support for Nazi nationalism, racism and hatred.
A truck driver honking twice means Hail Hitler or maybe you just cut him off, I'm confused.
Hand signals like okay is now a secret symbol for white power. Who dreams this up? I must have missed the memo, it was probably a secret memo or a super secret memo.
In middle school it meant I get to punch you on the arm because I made you look. So I guess in a way it is a symbol of violence. (made you look)
There are so many normal things that have been assigned secret motives, obeying laws, respect for authority, a work ethic, pride in your country, free speech, professional sports, the Constitution and US history.
I really don't have the time to figure all of this out. It is easier to listen to the actual words people say. I know the words people use may not be what they mean but to run them through a secret decoder ring is just stupid. I have a feeling this tactic has more of a purpose.
If you can't make an argument, make shit up. I think that is what this is about.
Lazy journalism is one thing but slander and stirring division is all by design. Inventing secret messages simply shows a lack of reasoned arguments.
I have grown weary of these highly paid blow hards. They are lazy and ignorant or they are willing liars. They say they are educated and smart so they can do better. Please do some research and come up with some convincing arguments and give up this secret message silliness we aren't on the playground anymore.