three hundred sixteen










three hundred fifteen



Anyone who knows me will laugh about my obsessions. I get stuck on an idea and I don't stop until every detail is complete. Not the best trait but it is how I am wired. This motor scooter is my transportation now that we have one car. It finally warmed up enough to ride comfortably but mornings are still chilly.

I am going camping about 100 miles south of here with a bunch of sober guys. They are avid fishermen and I am trying to find a retirement hobby. I plan to pack my bicycle camping gear and a few extra creature comforts and take the back roads and trails to the camp.

This is only a temporary distraction from the bicycle. I have had a hip issue that is now healed. I have had major dental work, a small surgery to remove a mole and a physical so I'm good to go.

Tonight in a group I attend we talked about being a talker or a doer. I learned this from a very influential person in my life. It was expected of me that when I said I would do something I would without fail do what I said I would do. I am grateful for this instruction because I became a better man.

I will continue my training but right now I'm having a blast riding this 100+ mpg distraction.

three hundred fourteen

 The legendary comedian Flip Wilson coined this phrase as his character Geraldine. It was his go to laugh line but actually this was the very first lie in recorded history.

When God asked Eve why she ate the forbidden fruit, Eve told God the serpent or the devil made her do it. An when God asked Adam he said the woman you gave me made me do it. Whether you believe that Adam and Eve were actual people or this is just a story the blame game is a basic human trait.

This was followed by condemnation and banishment. Innocence  was lost and sin entered the world. God could have created obedient humans but instead He gave us freewill. We have a choice to do anything we want, but there are consequences to our choices.

I know the Adam and Eve story is laughed at by many but the basic principles are lived out everyday religious or not. Breaking a connection with God is easy, it is a simple choice, but repairing this connection is also a choice.

Like all humans I hate to take responsibility for my actions. I want to take credit for good things and shirk responsibility or blame for the bad things. I know I just described a politician but that is another story.

I witnessed a change over the decades. Years ago blaming other people, circumstances or society still had a stigma. Most people knew it was wrong because personal responsibility was connected to our personal pride or sense of honor. We knew this was America and we were all in it together.

On television, in the movies, at school and at home we were encouraged to support the police, respect veterans and  honor our elders. Personal responsibility, civic duty and acceptance of others was expected proper behavior. As children not following this behavior was  frowned on by teachers and parents.

Individually blaming others is a mark of poor character but in a group it can have more serious consequences. On a group level blaming other groups for the wrongs they themselves have committed has always been wrong but it has become accepted behavior today.

When I first heard a President use the line "but ______ did it first" and it was acceptable by the media as a valid argument, I remembered telling my dad when my brother and I were fighting, "but he hit me first". Well that never worked with my dad my brother and I both got the same punishment for fighting. 

Another one was, "I'm a victim of those people, my life isn't fair" or  "they have more then me, it isn't fair". Today listening to a news broadcast, political speech or community leader these and more are their go to arguments. 

Today victim status is powerful because they can't be criticized for blaming others for their actions. The devil made me do it was a laugh line but total acceptance of shirking personal responsibility it is a poison on our future as a functioning society. 

We were given freewill to make any choice we want but along with freedom comes responsibility. Authority comes with duty or what I like to call a charge. As a policeman they have authority and a duty. If they abuse authority and shirk their duty they are wrong. If the citizen expects them to fulfill their duty we must respect their authority. 

Today there is a focus on bad cops as their should be but it has stigmatized the good cops. The open encouragement to disrespect all police has caused division and in some cases riots. Where is the leadership, where are the calming voices, where are the adults?

The fundamental values have been ignored and belittled. All of the norms have become old fashioned. There is not a person, law or program that will fix this it is a return to the very basics we once learned in kindergarten, keep your hands to yourself, say please and thank you, share, wash your hands, tell the truth and don't blame others.

three hundred thirteen



I have nothing to say today we have crossed over to a new reality. Drink your coffee, pet your dog, hug your kids and hang on.........

three hundred twelve


My new custom stem cap
I changed my GPS mount to a mount on the handle bar so I wanted something original as a cap on the stem. I found a company that makes custom caps on line. I thought about what catchy motivational phrase, AA slogan or scripture would be fitting. Finally I remembered something I heard at work years ago.

We had a young curtesy clerk who was special needs. This young man was loved by everyone in the store. He was a hard worker, didn't have a filter and had a great sense of humor.

One day we were eating lunch and one of the cutters was droning on complaining about not being appreciated for something. As he went on and on this kid sat quietly eating his lunch. Finally it got quiet for a few minutes.

This kid looked up from his sandwich and said "You know everything isn't about you", the room began to roar with laughter. 

The timing was perfect as his words deflated every ego in the room. From that day forward if anyone started complaining the response was "You know everything isn't about you".

This will be a constant reminder to check my ego every time I get on and off of my bike.

three hundred eleven


The World Wide Web

On April 30, 1993 the source code for the internet was released to the public. Only a few were aware of it other then the most tech savvy geeks. Fewer understood it's practicality and potential usefulness, no one had any idea what it would be in the future, but absolutely no one imagined what it would be today.

I came late to the game around 2000 with dial up and a laptop. I learned by trial and error but mostly error. I first called it my time machine because I had no idea where time went when I turned it on, but I could still take it or leave it.

I worked with a couple young guys who had expensive hotrod computers but all they did was explore the porn world and played games. I lacked the knowledge or patients because the damn thing was way too slow to be of much interest for me.

We began to use computers for internal company email and ordering but it was very primitive and there was absolutely no training. That is typical of retail grocery instead of training, threats and intimidation was more their style at the time.

The internet was the Wild West back then. I was always anxious to hear what the new wide eyed idealistic capitalists were up to. I doubt even they had a clue that they were about to make unimaginable fortunes. 

Andrew Breitbart 
The late Andrew Breitbart who died too soon at 43 in 2012. Andrew was co-founder of the Huffpost, helped found the Drudge Report and created his Big Hollywood and other Big sites. He was a free speech visionary that inspired a movement. Dozens of citizen journalist followed his lead to raise their voices and bring light to issues that we all have the right to know about, what would he be saying today? 

Ariana Huffington 
Ariana hired Andrew Breitbart to help launch her website and turned to into an influential and credible voice from the left. She eventually sold it for 350 million and moved on to other causes. The site still exists but it seemed to have lost the original focus on consistently speaking truth to power no matter who controlls that power.

Matt Drudge 
Matt is a very private person who is know for being the first to report on the blue stained dress. He forced the main stream media to finally report on it. This was the power of the new media to bring stories to light that would be ignored by the traditional press. The right for us to know about everything was his passion because it is our business to know. He reported the stories that editors would round file. The White House made a great effort to silence and discredit this annoying voice. Matt seems to be mailing it in these days but all things come to an end.

Alex Jones
    Alex Jones is a large personality who reported on some very unusual issues. He didn't repeat the same stories and play the same clips like most sites. He dugs deep into the darker government activities. He was regarded as a conspiracy nut but for some reason he was perceived as a threat by some powerful people. 
    He was the first to be banned from the internet. I didn't follow him but whatever he was reporting brought the full force of the bureaucracy and cancel culture. Ironically he was proved right about many of the things he reported on. Alex Jones was the Canary in the coal mine, we should have paid more attention. Alex has every right to be on the air, making people think and laugh is not a crime.

Gavin Mcinnes
      I have watched and listened to Gavin for years. His irreverent humor and story telling is filled with guy humor and a great deal of observational wisdom. I never heard a mean spirited racial remark, many of his guests were minorities and mutual riffing was the rule and was actually healthy. One day I was seeing stories about Gavin being the head of a Nazi white supremacy hatred group. I first thought it was a joke but then I watched the momentum grow. He became toxic and was ejected by his "friends" then from the Blaze. 
      I was at ground zero to witness first hand the destruction of a guy who asked questions and supported the wrong candidate. He was never a partisan or strong promoter of Trump he did support him but mostly he explained Trump because he was from New York City himself. 
      He grew up in Canada then moved to New York. He lived the rock star life style as a punk rocker and promoter always rebelling against the system, resisting authority and like a punk rocker could cared less about politics. 
      At 24 he founded Vice magazine, was a Hollywood writer (a bunch of un-produced pilots that he made a fortune on) an actor, comedian, cartoonist and founder of the Proud Boys. Proud Boys was a men's drinking club all you had to be was a man who liked beer no matter your race religion or sexual preference, just a dude who likes to hang and drink beer. 
      The one mistake he made was support a rich developer from Queens who was running for President. He was shunned by his musical and professional piers, demonized in the press, became a lightening rod for Nazi and racist smears. Early on he cut all ties with the The Proud Boys and politics. 
      He took his Get Off My Lawn show behind a pay wall Censored TV.  He plays great music, drinks beer and tells hilarious stories. He is banned from everything mostly because he could care less. A man true to himself and funny as hell. 

Laura Loomer
     Laura has been an outspoken truth to power voice for years. Her in your face activism is loud and relentless. She used the power of a citizen journalist to cover her civil disobedient but peaceful confrontations. There is no evidence of her using violence or destruction of property. She has chained herself to fences, infiltrated events to ask questions and done confrontational ambush interviews.
     Laura has been a peaceful general pain in the ass to elected officials and large tech corporations. She has been banned from all social media, video platforms, Uber, Lyft, PayPal, GoFundMe, Venmo  and several banks. 
     She is a Jewish activist asking the unasked questions about Islam. This is one of the untouchable elephant in the room subjects that will get you banned if you ask a question or voice the wrong opinion.
     Laura has made an unsuccessful attempt to run for congress in Florida. I assume her media ban seriously hindered her campaign. 
     She is a force of nature, voices like hers may be over the top but riots, violent protests, looting and burning cities is for some reason less offensive to social media then a loud strong woman. Agree with her or not she has the right to hold her opinions and ask the hard questions.

James O'Keefe
    I'm old enough to remember 60 Minutes when it was a real investigative program. Every program had a new secret camera and hidden microphone interview. We thought it was great to see corporate executives lie on tape and have it broadcast on network television. They won several awards for this style of  reporting.
    James O'Keefe has followed in these established footsteps but evidently has chosen the wrong targets. He has faced strong opposition, prosecution and law suits. Early on he pled out on a charge for financial reasons. Since then he has not backed down and won every case since then. Because of this he will be known as a convicted felon by every news outlet that opposes him.
    Lately he and his staff have been handcuffed in a predawn raid on his home and offices. His computers, phones and files were seized with an FBI no knock warrant to search for President Biden's daughter's diary. Lawyer privileged files, confidential sources and whistle blower identities were also seised. 
    He has been banned by media platforms, ignored by other media and if they must cover his story they go after the investigator not the party that was caught in a lie or a crime. 
    He isn't going anywhere soon because I think he still has that same spark he had in the beginning to speak truth to power. The only difference he is much wiser and resourceful. 

Milo Yiannopoulos
    Milo was one of the first on social media to confront the woke mob. Game developers were their target early on and Milo was in the thick of it. Later he ventured into politics as a supporter of President Trump which turned up the flames on the attempts to destroy him. He never backed down and through his antics cleverly exposed the hypocrisy of the left and the media. 
    He is an outrageous gay man with a handsome black partner. The thing that impressed me was the depth of his intellect. He is well read, well spoken and a skilled communicator. His whit and debate skills embarrassed them so they were left with only smears and silencing. The Berkley riots to block his speech made him a national figure.
    Milo has been totally silenced on all platforms. Through a coordinated campaign to destroy him he has become as toxic as David Duke. He is by no means a racist but that is the club they beat people with while they claim they are protecting the first amendment. I wonder if it is the same club they use on baby seals while they condemn others for not supporting PETA. I have lost track of Milo, I guess everyone has their limits

You have the right to know was the driving philosophy of the citizen journalist as the new bloggers came on line. They had new research resources and the ability to publish available that had been the exclusive domain of traditional news media. Because they could research and were everywhere, politicians and media anchors were caught in lies and embarrassed because now the average citizen had a voice with a following.

In the early internet days the truth was a matter of honor because the bloggers policed each other. People were hungry for the truth and loved that the idealistic Davids were finally pulling down Goliaths loin cloth.
All good things come to an end. Popularity, power and money corrupted a few. The established media fought back by belittling the citizen journalist and attempted to discredit the legitimacy of their reporting. Mostly it was the elite frowning on the idea that the unwashed surfs finally had a voice. 

Social media came on line, high speed internet, laptops and cell phones. Soon instead of calling a place you called a person. Email replaced phone calls and then came texting and Twitter. Finally video streamed fast enough to create Youtube, Snapchat and etc. Then it all went portable when everything was packed into a pocket size smart phone. 

I stay out of the social media world mainly because it is social. I may need to be more social but having a thousand friends I have never met makes no sense to me.

After the past twenty years many have tried to silence these rebels. These rebels had created a powerful tool to inform the masses. At the same time the elite class realized the power of social media to manipulate the masses.

They have stopped engaging in debate maybe because they aren't very good at it, so to counter this they have focused on eliminating or discrediting the information used to have a debate. They need to smear, discredit, silence or censor all opposing voices. America is built on open and reasoned debate among literate well informed citizens. 

The attempts to do this have been in the background but today they are saying it out loud. I have heard a few slips or trial balloons over the past ten years for a need to create an agency to monitor the internet. Fact checking sites have become so common. Every so called fact checker can declare anything to be true or false depending on their bias, they are such a joke. 


     With the invention of the smart phone the average citizen has a camera and an internet connection right at his finger tips. The ability to document any event and post it for the world to see is as powerful as CNN in the 90's. CNN had satellite trucks, film crews and reporters in position throughout the world to bring the latest breaking news from around the world. 
     The addition of millions of new voices from around the world has replaced them. In addition the citizen journalist can bypass the control of editors. Editors are good and bad because they are or once were held to ethical standards. They are bad because they can control the narrative by screening and shaping the information we are exposed to and hiding the news we have the right to know. These citizen journalists now have new editors, us.
     They can't control the information gathering so they are attempting to control the ability to post. It was bad when the social media began to screen, texts and email are now investigated by law enforcement and now a government agency is poised to control by force, prosecution and imprisonment. 

Banning, blocking, hiding, shadow banning and unsubscribing. Redirecting to different search results, disabling code, throttling servers and bots are all part of the subtle sometimes secret tools of censorship. 

Silencing opposition and shaping the narrative is nothing new but with the new technology it has risen to a new level. Today there is no denying that this is happening. What is new is they try to sell it as freedom or protection from what they define as misinformation. 

They are saving us from being triggered and misled. They sight an imaginable deranged "crazy" may be triggered. They warn us with exposure to  the wrong ideas they will turn into terrorists. If that is the standard they are creating an army of violent anti police anarchists.

Their new definition of "hate speech" is defined as speech they hate. The freedom of speech is now the freedom from speech you don't like. Just ask a college student but make sure it is in a "free speech zone". 

Along came social media and everyones feelings meter got turned up to 11. People are triggered by a simple hello, a compliment or act of respect. I have been cussed out for opening a door, smiling at a stranger and referring to the father of a woman’s four children as her husband. It is a mine field out there for this small town boy.

Now add the woke mob, gender pronouns, political correctness, a different political opinion, a passion for the combustion engine, eating red meat, displaying or respecting the flag, praying in public, living in the wrong state or having the wrong lineage. 

Combining all of the stoked up racial unrest, class warfare, political division, victimhood and the control of the power of this new technology we may not have a chance. 

Nina Jannkowicz
The Department of Homeland Security 
Bureau of Disinformation Chief
Due to public pressure (bad poll numbers) May 18, 2022 she resigned and the program was "paused" but stay tuned they will regroup and try again. It isn't that they think it was a bad idea, it's because they were exposed.

October 26, 2022 update The plot continues...

Now we have a new player and this one has the power of a giant bureaucracy with badges and guns. Will there be warrantless 6 AM no knock raids? IRS audits? Suspension of travel? Invasions of our privacy? Tracking? Confiscation of assets? Imprisonment without trials?

The DHS Disinformation Board has an ominous ring. I am personally shocked that any American on the right or left thinks this is a good idea. I understand that some politicians will want this power to control messaging, but this is just wrong. 

The oath they swear to defend our freedom is such a joke now. How can they say this with a straight face? Oh yeah that's right they are politicians. The average voter wants free speech it is not a party issue but unfortunately the parties don't seem to care. Where is the outrage? Where are the strong voices?

They feel many citizens are easily manipulated. Many are but if we focus on teaching civics, history and critical thinking we may vaccinate the citizens exposed to disinformation. I know they like vaccines. 

There is truth and spin on every media source, after all they are human. No one tells all lies and no one tells all truth. Infowars, The New York Times, Fox News, MSNBC, CNN, NewsMax and so on, all have a bias. Sorting out or discerning what is true and what is not true is our job not some government Bureaucrat. We have the right to see everything.

Who knows, this silly blog could one day soon be taken down if the DHS decides to search its contents and find an unsanctioned opinion. I may have crossed a line that keeps moving even though I'm not a partisan. I focus on broad underlying principles not political opinion, people or events. However those fundamental principles this great country was founded on may one day be declared hate speech or  misinformation if it hasn't already.

I'm not a chicken little saying the sky is falling, I'm not much for declaring things are a dark conspiracy but when they say things out loud I can't ignore it.

What is next, the mention of Allah, Yahweh, Buda, Jesus or Gaia? Where will it stop? The one good thing is they are saying it out loud and now the remaining people who weren't paying attention are wide awake. I may have jumped the shark by shifting the focus of my bicycle blog to other issues but this is not the time to be silent.

Are we there yet?

three hundred ten

 The need to know vs The right to know

As a baby boomer child of the sixties I grew up with the idea that we have free speech rights. I grew up through the Water Gate scandal toppling a President, the NYT releasing the Pentagon Papers, Saturday Night Live went after everyone (and were still funny), 60 Minutes actually doing investigative reporting, Meet The Press hammered everyone with intelligent questions and a government protecting Cold War secrets. 

The turmoil of the sixties set into place a distrust for authority especially government, we thought we had the right to know the truth about everything. I first thought the media was the point of the spear investigating and questioning government authority.

Over all I thought they were doing a great job because at the time I liked what they were saying. I began to see a bias but so what they were "stickin' it to the man" so I didn't mind at the time.

My father was in the Army in the Battle of the Bulge, my brother was a Marine in Vietnam and I had a Selective Service draft card in my wallet. 

I attended Kent State during the days of the "anti draft" marches, SDS rallies and Winter Soldiers scenes. I read Mother Jones pamphlets, saw Abby Hoffman and John Kerry speak. I watched the war on the Nightly News with Walter Cronkite and enjoyed all of the great protest music of the time. 

I had pier pressure from my hippy friends, opinions from WW2 and Korean War vets at work. I was faced with the question of what would I do. Enlist, wait for a draft notice or find a deferment. There were good arguments on both sides. I had to decide what to think about the whole deal, but I had access to the arguments.

Yeah, John Kerry was against the establishment before he was its spokesman.

There was a lot of division back then but we could still have a conversation. People were actually more informed back then.

Many things about me have changed over the decades. Many of my opinions have changed and many have been fortified but my constant curiosity to know what is true has not. I want to know no matter what. I want to trust my government but their arrogant "need to know" approach doesn't work fo me I have a "right to know"and I'm not an ignorant peasant.

The latest example is their approach to the pandemic. They have not been open about anything. This is the answer "because we are the government" still doesn't work for me. I want to know your reasoning, convince me with evidence and answer our questions, I have the right to know.

Maybe it is my generation but where did this simple principle go? The media is no longer curious or they have become a government mouth piece. Where are the investigations? Why are only some voices being silenced by social media? Why aren't we really pissed off?

I have avoided the Republican vs Democrat thing but why don't we all want more speech, a relentless media, open debate and a demand for the truth. 

I want to know "the story" not " a story". Don't dumb things down challenge me, make me think! This silly crap you call news is geared to spoiled children.

Challenge and inform us, ask probing intelligent questions and please ask a follow up question. If you think people aren't informed why don't you accept some of the blame. Perhaps you want us uninformed?

I doubt if any news anchor or a social media billionaire will read this blog but I now distrust you far more than government. Government is by nature secretive and dishonest but you are the fourth estate, enjoying the protection of the first amendment. You have a charge to inform us about what they are doing. 

Why do you spout virtue, openness and free speech but then you hide the truth and tell us lies. 

The only real change will come from us, demand more and don't stop. 

three hundred nine


2021 HONDA 150 ADV

I sold my 2008 Xterra because we only need one car now that I don't work. With the money I thought I would get something to run around Bend and central Oregon.

I looked at larger bikes to do motorcycle touring but I thought I would lose focus on my bicycle touring. This scooter only had 600 miles and looks brand new. I got a great deal from a local dealer.

It will do up to 75 mph and cruise comfortably at 60-65 mph but I avoid freeways. Central Oregon has some amazing secondary roads that go through some amazing country. The suspension can deal with gravel roads and some trails.

It has a cruising range of around 230 miles because it gets 100+ MPG. That is a great feature today with gas prices. 

It is still cold in the high desert but soon we will have nice weather. I will take the time to get the feel of it again it is similar to what I had in Hawaii.

Now fishing gear and I'll explore the local lakes and streams. I'm in the middle of some great fishing, I do need a new hobby.

My bicycle is ready to ride. I have been out a few times but it is still a little chilly. 

three hundred eight


For some reason when I was a kid we had a dog whistle. We didn't have formerly trained dogs. Our mutt dogs lived outside, came when they were called and crapped in the neighbors yard. They barked at strangers, did not bite and were great with kids.

I was fascinated with it because I could secretly get the neighborhood dogs to bark sometimes late at night. I haven't thought about that whistle for years but today I hear about dog whistles on news broadcasts.


One definition I found was; A "political dog whistle" is a coded message communicated through words or phrases commonly understood by a particular group of people, but not by others.

Ironically the only people who possess the ability to hear these secret words and phrases are in the media. They by definition are the targets of these secret words and phrases because they seem to be the only ones who can hear them....woof woof! 

Serious journalists like Morning Joe and Mika can hear them but they are not alone in this.  

There are dozens of pundits on networks and cable outlets that can clearly hear and interpret every secret word, phrase, hand gesture and symbol. I have learned so much about all of the secret coded messages I am supposedly guided by. 

They say with only a few speeches Nixon convinced racist southern Democrats to switch political parties. They say he did it with secret coded words and secret messages or dog whistles. 

I have heard about the Southern Strategy for decades but no one explains why a racist would leave a racist party. The shift might have been because Nixon offered and alternative to non-racists to leave a racist party.

The media obsession with the KKK is great for starving actors because Netflix may have employed more of them to dress up like clan members than there are actual clan members. 

Citronella Tiki torches are for more then mosquito control, but I do hate mosquitos.

Displaying a flag and singing the National Anthem is secret support for Nazi nationalism, racism and hatred. 

A truck driver honking twice 
means Hail Hitler or maybe you just cut him off, I'm confused.

Everyday I learn more and more about secret hand signals, organizations I support, people I hate, racist symbols and prejudice code words. 

Hand signals like okay is now a secret symbol for white power. Who dreams this up? I must have missed the memo, it was probably a secret memo or a super secret memo. 

In middle school it meant I get to punch you on the arm because I made you look. So I guess in a way it is a symbol of violence. (made you look)

There are so many normal things that have been assigned secret motives, obeying laws, respect for authority, a work ethic, pride in your country, free speech, professional sports, the Constitution and US history.

I really don't have the time to figure all of this out. It is easier to listen to the actual words people say. I know the words people use may not be what they mean but to run them through a secret decoder ring is just stupid. I have a feeling this tactic has more of a purpose. 

If you can't make an argument, make shit up. I think that is what this is about.

Lazy journalism is one thing but slander and stirring division is all by design. Inventing secret messages simply shows a lack of reasoned arguments. 

I have grown weary of these highly paid blow hards. They are lazy and ignorant or they are willing liars. They say they are educated and smart so they can do better. Please do some research and come up with some convincing arguments and give up this secret message silliness we aren't on the playground anymore.

three hundred seven

Inflation, rising crime, food shortages, energy costs, recession, depression, stagflation, nuclear threat, global pandemic, open border, censorship, tribalism, rioting, gender tyranny, racism, world unrest, war, hatred and child abuse. This is only a short list but I imagine a few of these keep you awake at night. 

As one person we have very little control over any of this in a macro sense. We can only deal with the things around us. Unfortunately the big things that happen to us or might happen to us are beyond our individual control. 

Many look to our leaders for protection but politicians spend their energy raising campaign money, schmoozing with lobbyists, consulting pollsters, making empty promises and assigning and avoiding blame. 

Just because they have charisma and the marketing skills to win an election doesn't mean they have any insight or wisdom to solve a damn thing. Yeah, I'm not a fan of elected officials, but we do elect them to do what they do. 

Because of this lack of control a common reaction is to bunker in. Security systems, fire arms, food supplies, gold, cash, fuel, generators, bomb shelters and the all important toilet paper.

We can prepare for Armageddon, one world government, the great reset, global warming, climate change, cyber attacks, neutron bomb, terrorism, forest fires, floods, earthquake, killer bees, solar flares or a zombie apocalypse. 

One reality that is often overlooked is the fact that you can just be what I call "it". By "it" I mean you are just standing there minding your own business and by no fault of your own something horrible happens. Many times there is no light at the end of the tunnel, no rescue, no karma and no happy ending.

You can rarely find songs, poems, speeches or books written about this because it is a depressing thought. We often go through hardships to be reborn into a new meaningful life. I found this as I became sober but I must not forget most alcoholics will die alone and drunk.

The bottom line is life is not fair, that is the one fact we try to ignore but we can't escape. 

Somehow we have an idea being good helps us avoid this. Many blame God or claim there is no God because bad unfair things happen to the very innocent. They claim a loving God would not allow those things to happen. 

We must ask ourselves are humans simply a smart animal or are they more? If life is just a one and done situation feeding our appetites, living by instinct and avoiding pain like animals is about it. No outside source of standards or rules just our instincts and cravings.

The real question is what stops us from being cruel? Is it that small voice we call our conscience? Where does our conscience come from? Is it possible to reject or sear our conscience? What happens to us when we ignore or don't care about that voice? 

In America we talk about having free will but that includes the freedom to choose right or wrong. If natural rights like free will come from God it can't be one sided. If we could only do good it wouldn't be free will.

Along with the freedom to choose to do what is right we also have the freedom to choose to do unspeakable wrong. 

The places where the most unspeakable things happen are places where the people have collectively rejected that small voice. They feed their cravings for power, lust and greed. Unfortunately there are victims of these choices. 

If it reaches from a top down government there can be starvation, genocide and oppression. The willful ignorance of the source of that small voice can make bad choices seem normal. We become numb to our choices by turning our attention away from the consequences.

The media and politicians are good at helping us rationalize our selfish choices. The voices that sound a warning are mocked and ridiculed. They rationalize and encourage bad choices then blame God for not stopping the consequences.

We live in a world that has choices. All we can control are our own choices. As I ride into the storm facing the unknown I trust the source of that small voice to keep my soul safe. My body will one day fail. It may be disease, crime, war, natural disaster or someone's bad choices.

I am not just a smart animal operating on my instincts, I have been made with that inner voice to guide me. I have not always followed that voice in fact I tried to ignore it for many years, but I don't dread the future now. I have made peace with the creator of my small voice and I want others to know that peace too. 

Seek out the source of that small voice, a loving God would not put us in this life without an answer. Seek and you will find but remember to search with the eyes of a child. 

"A child asks questions to find the truth, adults ask questions for various reasons." CS Lewis The Great Divorce.

Good read....