If you have ever owned an english roadster or motorcycle you will understand this sign. The thought of 74 miles of twisted highway when you are on a tight schedule is a nightmare. Most of our lives we feel the pressure of a tight schedule. Road construction, heavy traffic, slow drivers, bad weather and late for work, but that's life. The journey I chose has no real schedule. I have no place to be or time clock to punch.
The physical part takes time and money. It also takes risk, not just physical risk, but escaping the "I should, I can't, I need to"world. Another way to say it is escaping your comfort zone, living out of the box, and many other cornball sayings.
The mental part takes longer for me. Touring is more then riding a bike, it's a mind set. I'm seperated from everything but the road in front of me. Eat, sleep, bike is about all that happens. Wake up, figure out where I am, pack my gear, find coffee, a bathroom, food, ride until I get hungry, ride until late afternoon then find a safe place to camp, and repeat the next morning.
The kaos of the road takes all of my focus. I don't view it as an escape from reality more of a journey into reality. Fully living life is important, touring is a place to learn that, but it is not a place to live.
The spiritual part is a byproduct that simply happens. Touring changes me, I think differently, I feel stronger, I see the world in a different way, and my priority list get's rearranged. Actions change attitude, touring is a life changing action.