I guess it is like turn signals there is no real need to use them if you know were you are going. Driving is a group activity and the last I checked bicycles don't have fenders. Assume no one sees you, it only takes one. Commuting to work on familiar streets has risk but traveling long distances multiplies the risk by 10. Strange roads, traffic signals and 100 times the traffic the odds build. A simple fix is bright colors, reflective clothing and lights.
I found the triangle for days and battery powered lights for night. Now I have a new light by Cygolite Hypershot 350 Lumen day time rechargeable tail light. I know it is an over kill but I can be seen a full mile ahead in the brightest sunlight so I run it all day. These lights have that "what the hell is that?" effect on traffic. It is a strange blink that gets a driver trying to figure out what you are instead of noticing you at the last second. This increases the odds they won't kill you which is a very good thing for you both.