I reached Chicago
Friday afternoon. I slept in a real bed and used inside plumbing at an old
friends home. John and Debbie are old friends from Ohio and Phoenix.
My bike needed some new parts in Omaha. The
trip across Iowa was a learning experience because if the truly bad riding conditions.
Not one road had a paved shoulder except for I-80 which restricts bicycles.
week ago Friday I had a great night at the local mud track car race. I was
searching for a restaurant which had closed when I ran into a young farmer who
offered me water.
I asked about the race cars in tow I had seen throughout the day.
He said there was a race in the next town 25 miles away. Then he asked if I
wanted to go, this was the second time this exact thing happened.
I camped most of Iowa and Illinois, only one rainy night
and one awful day of headwinds. This is absolutely beautiful farm country. I’m
glad so many of you are following my blog, I feel like I'm not so alone. Thanks
to everyone who posted a comment, keep it up.