one hundred thirty six
one hundred thirty five
one hundred thirty four
My room had a great view of the sunset. I kept the curtains open all day risking an accidental passer because the view was too beautiful to hide. Luckily no one was in my the part of the motel.
I wear the same clothes for days on the road so when I can wash them I was them all. While I wait for them to dry I enjoy my freedom.
one hundred thirty three
one hundred thirty two
I found the house in mid afternoon and waited about four hours for the owners to come home. This was the brother of someone I work with. He knows I'm coming but we have never met.
I knew I could camp there so I just waited. The Puget Sound had so much going on I was never bored. This was the ferry from Clinton Island to Seattle on the mainland.
one hundred thirty
one hundred twenty nine
The floor plan and furnishings were well thought out. The amount of windows, hardwood and slate floors and furnishings make this an impressive home. This was a friendly oasis on my long journey.
We work for the same parent company and it was hard staying off of that subject.
I was able to wash my clothes take a shower and sit at a dining room table with a family. Those things sound small but a friendly face and welcome to our home means alot after a few weeks in campgrounds.
One hundred twenty eight
The harbor was the home of many wooden fishing boats. The sun, sea water, constant growth of things like barnacles, bird droppings, and time takes a toll on everything in or around the ocean. The night before and noticed some boats had heat lamps glowing inside to keep them dry.
The government bought most of the certifications or titles to the older boats. I guess that was a way to get them off of the water because they can't leave the harbor. The owners just sold them for a few hundred bucks to people wanting to live on them or just say they have a boat. They pay to dock them there until the novelty wears off or they find another fool to buy them.
Several sunk and were repaired but the cost to remove them is much higher then just leaving them be. This was another brilliant government plan. There probably was more to the story but I saw one I would love to own or perhaps I found that perfect gift for that relative you don't like.
one hundred twenty seven
The wind was very strong that day but in the shelter of these giants it was completely silent. I could at times hear the wind high in the tree tops. These trees were up to 300 ft and higher in height. The cars made almost no noise because of the pine needle bed muffled all sound.
The feeling it gave me was that of an empty country church. I thought of the age of these trees and what had happened during their long life.
The narrow road was edged by these giant trees and their roots raised large sections of the road. I laughed at the reflectors that I thought were to protected the trees but they are more of a warning so we won't get hurt.
one hundred twenty six
I was pitching my tent and searching for a "turd free" spot, I had seen several dogs on leashes.
Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted it. My first thought was "what the heck was that dog eating", then it started moving. I was told this was a normal size north west slug.
When we travel we not only see new sights, but new wierd things on the ground. When I sleep on the ground, I look much more closely.
one hundred twenty five
one hundred twenty four
I always felt it was the largest tree in the world but wow was I wrong. The morning I saw my first redwood I was amazed. Then tree after tree they grew larger and larger and I was even more amazed.
I love trees and have watched the seasons change all of my life. The new life of spring, the full bloom of summer, the colors of fall and the revealed structure of the tree in winter.
This is another wonder many of us miss. However these giants get everyone's attention.
one hundred twenty three
It was ten o'clock with out a cloud in sight. I reached this vista and saw the low cloud that I first thought was from a forest fire. The ocean sun and wind do some strange things.
I thought if it was a fog it should have burn off by now however in only a few short miles I would be turning on my red blinking lights to be sure I would be seen.
The temperature dropped and it looked like rain. A few miles and another eight hundred foot climb I was in bright sun and hot once more.
I traveled through pockets of warm air then patches of cold face aching raw ocean air. I dressed and undressed at every climb and decent. This is not unusual in cycling but today was weird. I was drenched with sweat then chilled to the bone, again and again. I had eaten well and was not ill so it must have been that crazy weather.
I love the extremes as you know, so a day like this was another sensory adventure.
one hundred twenty two
I missed camping under the stars without a tent as I usually do in Arizona. My down filled sleeping bag began to smell like a wet duck and my clothes never dried completely. This was how I had grown up in Ohio. I remember trying to cut the grass in early morning, so this was nothing new.
If you want green you get fog dew and rain. The desert dryness has it's perks but green is very special and well worth the inconvenience.
The morning fog was usually gone by nine o'clock, but somedays it hung around and somedays it came back again out of the blue.
The entire trip down the coast was a new weather experience but the weather gods were kind to me. It was raining where I was going and raining where I had been, but never where I was.
one hundred twenty one
This took my mind off the third five hundred foot climb of the morning and my ailing hip.
After a thousand or so miles, I was grinding down and needed a rest day or two, but this moment was one I had come so far to see.
one hundred twenty
I'm not a novice camper but I need to limit the weight. I have been training on a loaded bike for weeks, but since this place is fairly flat so the hills will be a challenge.
I have repacked everything dozens of times and will probably do it twelve more before I go. I will leave in one week so this is the crazy time. Everything is ready but my mind will create every disaster you can imagine.
What I do know it is going to be green, wet, and beautiful. The worst that can happen about the cold is that I'll be forced to buy something on the road. I hate taking too much but I can always mail it home.
Well, there I go again trying to out think things. This isn't my picture but it is about all I know about where I'm going. In a strange way, I like keeping things in the unknown. I must go now and repack.
one hundred nineteen
This picture is dated, I now use the front two panniers for clothing and electronics. I store my rain gear and winter stuff, plus off the bike clothing in one. The other has the every day stuff, shorts, shirts, socks, etc. I have a case for my map software for my GPS, battery chargers, phone charger, etc. My journal and maps balance out the load. I keep them at about nine pounds each, which gives a nice stable feel. Layers, layers, layers is the idea. This next trip will be long and cold so I will be a bit heavier. I also have what I call my"shoes that bend"shoes. Cycling shoes have stiff soles that work well on the road but off the bike I need shoes that bend.
one hundred eighteen
My kitchen pannier. I carry enough food to eat if I can't find a grocery store for fresh food. I try to cook alot and stay out of restaurants. When I stay in a motel I buy orange juice or ice cream and milk and cereal. The big restaurant meal is breakfast you can eat alot and eat cheap. A lot of coffee and a leftover newspaper. I love coffee shops so that's were I squander a few bucks. Free internet is also a perk.
one hundred seventeen
My panniers are packed in two ways, one is by weight, the other is by function. This one holds my bedroom and house. I use different layers of sleeping bags depending on the weather. My tent is a glorified bivy, but it weighs only 3.5 lbs. The poles breakdown to 12 inches so they fit inside my pannier.
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