Into the unknown, the coast north of San Francisco. I know very little about the Pacific northwest and don't have any ideas beyond Starbucks coffee shops and the home of grunge bands. The coast must be beautiful because everyone goes on about it. I know there are many climbs, rain, and other bikers. I've toured mostly in areas where I see no other touring cyclists, the few I have met are lone rangers like myself.
There will be groups to share camp sites, meals, and conversation, but I'll probably pack up early and escape the next morning. It's obvious by now that I like people, but love my privacy more. I slightly know one person in Seattle in case of any serious problems and I might stop and say hello.
I'm working on car rental deals, getting things squared away at work, mapping out a route, setting mileage goals, prepaying bills, and dreaming. I always get anxious and really worry about getting hurt or worse, in a way that is a good thing.
My knees will have pinches and catches, my bike will feel broken, and everything will look impossible. I know from before the second day on the road, this will all soon fade away.