I had never felt so far from home and all I had was my bicycle and my legs are the only power to get me home.
I realize my body is like an engine that runs on fuel. My normal bad eating habits don't work on the road, I must eat breakfast lunch and dinner. I find that suddenly my tank tells me it's empty and I must eat, NOW!
I can't always cook or find a restaurant so I use powdered meal replacements. You must think in terms of all day and stay away from cheap energy like caffeine and sugar.
Hydration is vital and can effect the next several days if not done right. Water is not enough so I use a product called Gu2O a hydration mix to avoid cramping. I mix two liters per day, mix it extra thick and take drinks with a water chaser. I swear by this stuff and use it on long hot weather rides in 100+ temps in Phoenix.
Potassium is the key to day after day rides. I take a supplement to maintain energy levels and avoid muscle cramps. It is a long physical ordeal, but after a few weeks your body gets a rhythm. Soon the effects of this day after day marathon conditions your body and you become lean and mean. At 54, I am in the best shape of my life.