three hundred sixteen










three hundred fifteen



Anyone who knows me will laugh about my obsessions. I get stuck on an idea and I don't stop until every detail is complete. Not the best trait but it is how I am wired. This motor scooter is my transportation now that we have one car. It finally warmed up enough to ride comfortably but mornings are still chilly.

I am going camping about 100 miles south of here with a bunch of sober guys. They are avid fishermen and I am trying to find a retirement hobby. I plan to pack my bicycle camping gear and a few extra creature comforts and take the back roads and trails to the camp.

This is only a temporary distraction from the bicycle. I have had a hip issue that is now healed. I have had major dental work, a small surgery to remove a mole and a physical so I'm good to go.

Tonight in a group I attend we talked about being a talker or a doer. I learned this from a very influential person in my life. It was expected of me that when I said I would do something I would without fail do what I said I would do. I am grateful for this instruction because I became a better man.

I will continue my training but right now I'm having a blast riding this 100+ mpg distraction.

three hundred fourteen

 The legendary comedian Flip Wilson coined this phrase as his character Geraldine. It was his go to laugh line but actually this was the very first lie in recorded history.

When God asked Eve why she ate the forbidden fruit, Eve told God the serpent or the devil made her do it. An when God asked Adam he said the woman you gave me made me do it. Whether you believe that Adam and Eve were actual people or this is just a story the blame game is a basic human trait.

This was followed by condemnation and banishment. Innocence  was lost and sin entered the world. God could have created obedient humans but instead He gave us freewill. We have a choice to do anything we want, but there are consequences to our choices.

I know the Adam and Eve story is laughed at by many but the basic principles are lived out everyday religious or not. Breaking a connection with God is easy, it is a simple choice, but repairing this connection is also a choice.

Like all humans I hate to take responsibility for my actions. I want to take credit for good things and shirk responsibility or blame for the bad things. I know I just described a politician but that is another story.

I witnessed a change over the decades. Years ago blaming other people, circumstances or society still had a stigma. Most people knew it was wrong because personal responsibility was connected to our personal pride or sense of honor. We knew this was America and we were all in it together.

On television, in the movies, at school and at home we were encouraged to support the police, respect veterans and  honor our elders. Personal responsibility, civic duty and acceptance of others was expected proper behavior. As children not following this behavior was  frowned on by teachers and parents.

Individually blaming others is a mark of poor character but in a group it can have more serious consequences. On a group level blaming other groups for the wrongs they themselves have committed has always been wrong but it has become accepted behavior today.

When I first heard a President use the line "but ______ did it first" and it was acceptable by the media as a valid argument, I remembered telling my dad when my brother and I were fighting, "but he hit me first". Well that never worked with my dad my brother and I both got the same punishment for fighting. 

Another one was, "I'm a victim of those people, my life isn't fair" or  "they have more then me, it isn't fair". Today listening to a news broadcast, political speech or community leader these and more are their go to arguments. 

Today victim status is powerful because they can't be criticized for blaming others for their actions. The devil made me do it was a laugh line but total acceptance of shirking personal responsibility it is a poison on our future as a functioning society. 

We were given freewill to make any choice we want but along with freedom comes responsibility. Authority comes with duty or what I like to call a charge. As a policeman they have authority and a duty. If they abuse authority and shirk their duty they are wrong. If the citizen expects them to fulfill their duty we must respect their authority. 

Today there is a focus on bad cops as their should be but it has stigmatized the good cops. The open encouragement to disrespect all police has caused division and in some cases riots. Where is the leadership, where are the calming voices, where are the adults?

The fundamental values have been ignored and belittled. All of the norms have become old fashioned. There is not a person, law or program that will fix this it is a return to the very basics we once learned in kindergarten, keep your hands to yourself, say please and thank you, share, wash your hands, tell the truth and don't blame others.

three hundred thirteen



I have nothing to say today we have crossed over to a new reality. Drink your coffee, pet your dog, hug your kids and hang on.........

three hundred twelve


My new custom stem cap
I changed my GPS mount to a mount on the handle bar so I wanted something original as a cap on the stem. I found a company that makes custom caps on line. I thought about what catchy motivational phrase, AA slogan or scripture would be fitting. Finally I remembered something I heard at work years ago.

We had a young curtesy clerk who was special needs. This young man was loved by everyone in the store. He was a hard worker, didn't have a filter and had a great sense of humor.

One day we were eating lunch and one of the cutters was droning on complaining about not being appreciated for something. As he went on and on this kid sat quietly eating his lunch. Finally it got quiet for a few minutes.

This kid looked up from his sandwich and said "You know everything isn't about you", the room began to roar with laughter. 

The timing was perfect as his words deflated every ego in the room. From that day forward if anyone started complaining the response was "You know everything isn't about you".

This will be a constant reminder to check my ego every time I get on and off of my bike.