three hundred



My parents were part of possibly the last generation that saved their money to buy things. Today we don't look in our savings account, that is if we even have one, instead we check our credit line. 

My parents were shaped by the depression and the Second World War. After the war, the returning soldiers got married and began to build the American dream. 

My Dad built the small house I was raised in. He worked full time as a machinist, rented a room from a relative and spent his off time salvaging materials from a two story house he had contracted to demolish to make room for the new high school. 

He saved everything, lumber, windows, nails, doors and whatever he could reuse to build our tiny house. He did all of this with the help of an eccentric local farmer named Drexel Harris. 

Drexel still farmed with horses so my Dad scooped out the tiny basement and graded the hillside lot using his horses. He built the house himself as he got the money and never borrowed a dime.

I'm one of the sixties rebels who rebelled and questioned the social and moral norms. Music, fast cars and the sexual revolution, that I am grateful I missed, and a new way to feed our impulsive wants, revolving credit. 

Living up to and beyond our means with a line of credit was becoming normal. I was responsible in the beginning but later on I dabbled in high interest credit card debt. This was partly because of circumstances but for decades I lived under a cloud of these plastic taskmasters.

I have righted the ship and have things under control but I still don't own a home or anything building equity. I do however have an excellent 816 credit rating (whatever that means) and a long line of credit waiting in the shaddows for another weak moment. 

One thing I have learned, these words are powerful. Wants and needs are different. The line between meeting our needs or feeding our appitites and wants has become blurred. Marketing has convinced us to feed these desires because we deserve them, we need to keep up our image or the draw of the latest shiny object.

I fought with my parents over this issue like most kids. I bought new cars, had the latest toys and refused to live by a budget. I paid my bills but investments and compounding interest would have ment a very comfortable retirement.

"I have enough" and "simplify, simplify, simplify" have been a guiding principle for much of my life. I have learned to be creative with what I have, avoid giving a damn what the cool kids think and living below my means.

My bike trips have taught me the adventure gets better when I have less money to spend. I would not camp as often or cook as much if I could stay in nice motels, eat in restaurants and get massages. 

Connecting with people is now my goal so asking for permission from a farmer to camp in a pasture or asking the local police about a safe place where they "don't look" is much more interesting then negotiating with a motel office employee.

I have shared meals with hungry strangers along the road. We usually combine whatever ingredients we have to create a unique hobo stew. I love that I have a humble bicycle rig. I have learned what I really need and what I really don't need.

Perhaps this has nothing to do with how smart or wise I am it is how this mode of travel has made me learn this. My mistakes have forced me to change, I take no credit for this other then my initial selfcentered mistakes.

The Natural
The only good thing about this movie was this quote: "We all have two lives, the one you learn with and the one you live". 

I doubt I have a unique story. This younger generation is living the life they will learn with and hopefully they will move on to the life they will live. I'm just grateful I survived my stupid past.

If you can keep wealth in perspective I admire you. Many if not most have learned these things the easy way. Unfortunately that has never been my style.

two hundred ninety nine


The Big Lebowski is a cult classic that came out in 1998. The laid back lead character "The Dude" Jeff Bridges captured the hearts of many.

His irreverent character had no cause, agenda or need to change the world. Credence, Black Russians and candle light bubble baths with good weed were his simple pleasures but bowling was his religion.

I grew up in the stay cool and never let them see you sweat generation so I could relate to his character. He may not have been aware of his poor social skills but one thing for sure he really didn't care. 

He didn't go out of his way to be obnoxious or rude he simply existed in his own world. He didn't seek confrontation other then hating the Eagles and demanding justice for his piss stained rug. 

He was defiant and sarcastic in the midst of an interrogation swirly or getting his private parts nibbled by a wild nihilist attack Ferret.

The Dude faced a series of bazar scenes and circumstances filled with a cast of outrageous characters. Each new wrong turn threatened to "chill his buzz" but he moved forward with the bad advice of his psychotic friends. When things got too overwhelming they took refuge in the temple of bowling.

(LINK)         (LINK)

Going with the flow, doing your own thing or feeling the vibe is summed up in one phrase, the Dude abides. 

The Dude had a sense of honor and showed loyalty to his friends. The movie does not explain how they became friends but I assume it had something to do with their bowling averages.

I don't recommend his lifestyle but I can relate to his place in the theater of life. Everyone plays a part but I am not the director or critic, I'm just part of the audience. The Dude lived in the moment as a casual observer of the people and events around him.

We do need to be disciplined and except responsibility but we all need a little "Dude" in our lives. Sometimes we just need to let life flow over us, feel the vibe or live in the moment.

Life is a trip full of constantly changing circumstances with a cast of  outrageous characters. The reality is we can't change circumstances or people. You can walk your own path, live your own values and be loyal to your friends. 

The Dude was by no means a perfect role model but he did have one thing right, "the Dude abides" and if all else fails, go bowling. 

Take breaks, enjoy simple pleasures and just be. If life gets too crazy go bowling or that place you find refuge. 

I ride my bike.

two hundred ninety eight


The spandex hair bands in the 80's were a unique phenomena. The epic movie "This Is Spinal Tap", is a mockumentory about one of the loudest heavy metal English bands of that era. 

Each time I watch it, I find more and more comedic nuggets. This is one of the most famous lines that has found its way into todays culture. 

Nigel Tufnel, lead guitar player while giving a tour of the bands equipment says"You see our amplifiers and guitars all go to 11, you see that is one more then 10".  

The movie captures the rock and roll lifestyle and rock band drama were captured perfectly. These guys had a passion to do something epic. They were rock gods on a Saturday night, they had ventured out of the box to chase a dream.

Living and loving at full volume has been a phrase I've used for many years. I know being excited like a kid on Christmas morning everyday is just not realistic but I do jump around on the furniture when I buy a new pair of sneakers.

When strangers ask how I'm doing I say "I'm Livin large and livin the dream". This always brings a laugh and a conversation. 

If a close friend asks that question it is different, somedays life kinda sucks so I have learned to say it out loud. After that acknowledgment I move on to realizing it is my perseption of things that actually sucks. After a mutual laugh I'm back on track again. Living life at 11 is a choice plus it is "one more then 10". 

Do I choose to see a sunset or bitch because it's getting dark? In a Restaurant do I complain about the service and the prices or do I have a conversation with the person I'm with? 

It is the difference between eating and dining. Eating is a focus on food with a side of conversation, dining is a focus on conversation while enjoying food. 

Human interaction feeds our heart and soul while food feeds our stomach. Both are nessesary and should be enjoyed.

Climbing a mountain, facing a headwind, days in the rain or even a flat tire can be enjoyed if you have the right perspective. A day of bitching and moaning never got me over a mountain, a single extra mile, kept me dry or fixed a flat tire. 

These things are not 11 material but I can manage an 8 or 9. I'm that nut climbing a 6% grade mountain pass with a stupid grin on my face. People actually ask me why the hell am I smiling aren't you tired? I'm exhausted but I'm exactly where I want to be doing exactly what I want to do, it's perfect.

If you find that place or thing, do it with all of your might, life is way too short to bitch and grumble it away.

I found two perfect places that I fit, one is on my bicycle in the middle of nowhere. This is my 11.....that is one more than 10. 

two hundred ninety seven


To the best of my ability I try to say exactly what I mean. Yes I'm a hypocrite at times, I'm human, but when it is pointed out I own it. 

My defects of character are a moving target, I claim progress not perfection. In my arguments I think about the words I use. 

I do this because my ability to manipulate is the character defect I hate the most. I can turn on my BS machine to get my way and make you believe it is your idea. I have and ability to charm my way out of problems and avoid consequences. 

In my dark past I used whatever it took to get my way and keep my"nice guy" image. I am profoundly ashamed of my past behavior. This is a vital part of my journey to find serenity. 

After 31 years of sobriety turning on my BS power to manipulate others feels unnatural but manipulating myself is much harder to detect. That is why I rely on other recovering friends to call me out on this.

One upside of this character defect is the ability to see these tactics in others. I value straight talk even if I don't agree with what is said. Clarity is more important then agreeing, but to debate, discuss or argue seems to be a lost art. 

Any level of discussion seems to derail quickly. The focus on winning a   debate by discrediting or demeaning the opponent has taken the place of arguing with facts or ideas.

Skin color, sex or sexual preference, age, profession, education, accent, religious belief or non belief, political affiliation or philosophy, accent, social standing or any perceived flaw is fair game.

The search to find a perceived flaw to discredit the person is common today. Everyone says something I agree with and something I disagree with. The all or nothing tactic is simply a cheap manipulative tool. 

One misspoken word, wrong action or opinion no matter how long ago or the circumstance, whether it is true or not is used to cancel an entire person. I thought the Puritans were a tough crowd but compared to the "cancel culture mob" they seem reasonable.

Guilt by association is another all too common tactic. Find or create a member of any group that has an extreme opinion or looks funny to taint the entire group or movement. No real facts are required just a sound bite or picture and a caption. Truth has little to do with this just winning at all cost matters.

Todays conversations focus on implied associations, defining or redefining words and assigning motives to ideas.  

Debate today is more of a talking point, discrediting and insult war, ideas and facts need not apply. Selective or made up"Facts" and Science" are used as clubs, all past behavior is fair game and victim status is a wild card. 

Occasionally I find someone who actually wants to learn something. They are open to new ideas, they want to know more facts and entertain the option to change their mind. Unfortunately they are just sitting ducks for the skilled insult artist disguised as leaders, experts or scholars.

Navigating the "woke" minefield, never admitting wrong and adopting the latest fashionable outrage or guilt. An honest question, opinion or misdirected attitude can cause you to lose a job, career, friends and livelihood.

I'm retired now and don't have to lose sleep over being politically correct. I have this blog to talk about my ideas. It is as political as I get. My personal politics are personal but if you want to know, ask me.

Please please please don't imply my motives, redefine my words or assign me to a group. I would love to hear what YOU think so I won't do those things to you.

two hundred ninety six

So this is this it?

The average expected human lifespan has increased over the last century and a half and quite dramatically over the past 70 years.

Before this an average life expectancy of 26 to 35 years was the norm. Plagues, poor sanitation, famine, wars, natural disasters, accidents, violence, low child mortality, a lack of medicines, medical knowledge and availability. 

In prehistoric times hunting and gathering filled their short lives. Food, clothing, shelter and protection were the main focus. Fighting the elements, animals, insects, disease, famine and other humans was all consuming. This example of art was rare because day to day survival took precedent. 

Death was so much a part of life all through ancient history. Mercy was defined as a quick death with minimal suffering. Families lost 214 children out of a thousand in 1880, today it is considered extremely high at 6 out of a thousand.  

Even with the development of modern weaponry the majority of  casualties in all recorded wars has been spears, swords, arrows and clubs. A wound was usually fatal because of infection and poor medical treatment. 

Travel by land and sea was extremely dangerous. Hundreds of millions died doing what today is considered safe and normal.

The availability of food in first world countries has produced new modern life threatening problems, obesity, diabetes and other health issues. There are still starving people in parts of the world but even the poorest in America have access to an abundance of food and medical care. 

There are many Americans who have no clue where or how their food is produced. They live in safe communities, drive safe cars, fly in safe planes and have access to modern medicine.

There are exceptions but we live in amazing times. The internet and mapping the gene-gnome have been giant strides but the availability of clean water and sanitation have had the largest impact on increasing life expectancy.

We now face an even more ominous problem. What are we doing with our extended lifespans? What do we do with our leisure time? What do we do with our wealth? 

I grew up near Amish and Mennonite communities, their lifestyle confuses many people. They have a central theme, dependance on the community and connection to the land. They do this by limiting the use of technology and focus on reliance on family, neighbors and God.

This is an extreme example as to how people choose to live out their lives. There are countless other ways to live but far too many submerge themselves in entertainment and self indulgence. Sadly their focus on comfort and pleasure can cause them to miss their lives completely.

Psychiatrist, political commentator and syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer wrote several best selling books and a syndicated column in 400 outlets. His last two books "The Point Of It All" and "Things That Matter" were his most important to me.

Charles was limited physically from a spinal accident in his youth and battled cancer that eventually took his life. As he faced death over his last years his writing turned to what he thought was important. These books plus the book of Ecclesiastes got me thinking about my own life.

Do I take my own life for granted? How can I live it fully and what does that even mean? Does my life matter, do I matter? What happens after I'm dead? Is this it? These questions have occupied the thoughts of every living human since the beginning of time.

People have worshiped the elements, the earth and powerful people. Others have searched for God and the meaning of life. Today artificial intelligence, technology and space exploration has become it's own religion. 

The fitness and health craze have become another form of religion. Health and fitness are important but worshiping our bodies is a form of  Narcissism. 

Narcissism named for Narcissus, a figure from Greek mythology who was so impeccably handsome that he fell in love with his own image in a pool of water, the original selfie.

The question today is; am I preserving my life and saving life for a rainy day, or am I living it?

We may have the worst of times because we can become complacent and distracted. Did we lose the sense of urgency to live a life that matters?

I don't think a short life is less meaningful then a long life. Compared to the thousands or billions of years lives have been lived there is little difference between 26 years and 86 years. The only difference may be the urgency to answer the eternal questions.

I personally do not believe this is all that there is. If I believed this was it what would be the point of right and wrong. I don't worship a score keeping God, I worship a God who says I am made in his image.

I don't know if that means arms and legs, fingers and toes or eyes and ears. This could be it but what I have found he means he has the same needs as I do, a need to love and be loved.

I trust he is good for his word not just that he exists. He said if I enter into his covenant and strive to keep my end of it I can be with him forever. I have no idea how that happens but I trust his word because he has always kept his promises by honoring his covenants throughout history.

I put my trust in this particular verse along with many others.

Jude 1:24 To him who is able to keep you (me) from stumbling and present you (me) before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy---

The baseball movie "The Natural" had a line about living two lives. "The life we learn with and the life we live with after that", I think I'm in the learning one right now.

If you are honest with yourself there is a question you must answer. Drowning it out or ignoring it takes it's toll. It is the most nagging question that is rarely discussed. 

Sorry if I have pointed at the big fat smelly elephant taking a steaming dump in the middle of the room.

Finish your organic smoothy, climb off of your Peloton and go out and live your life, you have some questions to answer.